Container Gardening

Harvest Ginger & Turmeric Easy Planting Container Gardening Growing Food & GROW TIPS on Store Bought

How to Harvest and plant Ginger and Turmeric too. Learn what will grow and what will not grow. Ginger is a flowering plant whose rhizome, ginger root or ginger, is widely used as a spice as well as old time medicine. It is a herbaceous perennial which grows annual pseudostems about a meter tall, about 3 feet, bearing narrow green leaf blades. Turmeric has larger broad leaves.

#ginger #gingerharvest #growginger


  1. Hi, Robbie I'm going try my hand with the turmic I was successful with the ginger am getting better with the things I grow now.Thanks you always for the info.

  2. Uh-oh! I guess that I should've harvested what little ginger that I had planted as we're also in SoCal too! I hope they'll be ok until tomorrow morning.

  3. Both the turmeric and ginger looked very good. I think the little one will make it for you my friend. Loved the many camera angles 😊

  4. They are radiating the fruit and vegetables, people buy them to get the vitamins out of them. So how selfish is that, they only care about their pockets not their clients. I would not go to that shop myself.

  5. Robbie, thanks for sharing this. Boy, you sure do have some set up for your videos. It's nice you get all the different angles. Enjoyed the video. I appreciate the tip about the ginger roots. Enjoy! Catherine

  6. How much I understand, plants might still grow, if irradiated, it depends on irradiation dose. If it grows, it will be kind of okay in the first generation, but second generation will be very sickly, and there will be no third generation. Similar things happen to animals. Very likely to people as well.

  7. I'm jealous of you still having Hummingbirds, what is the name of that one shown?? Beautiful birds I just love them to pieces.
    That is good you grow ginger and turmeric. I did try to grow some, but wasn't too successful with it? I'll give it another try, as it is getting expensive in the stores. TFS.

  8. I just planted some ginger I picked up at the store. It had sprouts all over it. Hopefully it will grow. I think I'll still try to find some online just in case. Turmeric too.

  9. Hi Robbie how often to you water the ginger and turmeric I’m attempting to grow it indoor my area is Queen, NY so I can’t plant it outdoor

  10. I have been looking around for good pieces of Tumeric and Ginger to try and root! Thank you for explaining about the irradiation! Have you ever heard of Galangal? I watch some Australian gardeners and it's a rhizome too, similar but pinkish? Very hard to get in this hemisphere I think. Thank you for the information!

  11. Robbie, will you and Gary adopt me please. I am a hard worker, love my garden and I think I'm funny. Trying to sell myself here. Oh, by the way I am in my 70th year (lovin it). I am so glad I have found you. You have taken any of the stress I had about whether Iwas wrong or right with my decisions. Love everything you do. Thank you for taking your time to share your knowledge and time. Love looking at your garden, and what you produce. Regards Sherie Rodrigues. 🥦🥒🌶🌽

  12. many of us want to know about watering, how often, whether soil should be damp always or left to dry, but everyone that asked about watering, you did not leave a replay. Please do as it nice to give it the best chance. Thanks Robbie, enjoy your videos very much, but sometimes need more detailed instruction.

  13. Thank you! Until today, I've never seen how turmeric and ginger are grown. Where did you buy your original seed plants since the store bought plants are iradiated? I'm new to your channel and want to learn how to start growing more of my own food. ♡

  14. Hi Robbie, I gave up on ginger and turmeric after it became a smelly rotten bog. We live in tropical climate and I will try again with your method and let you know.

  15. How is little Timmy Turmeric doing? Has he grown? I was hoping you would give that little irradiated rhizome a chance. I think that, through epigenetics, the DNA learns from bad experiences and adapts for survival. It's the essence of cultivar development. The closing footage of the hummingbird sipping dew from your collard leaf was precious. Thanks for all your practical garden wisdom and true humaneness. 🙂

  16. Hi Robbie, Love your videos. I have watched the hummer vids and they are fantastic. I didn't realize you have the garden vids also. I have a few questions. I can't seem to find the answers to. Dealing with ginger. I bought some and it started to grow, I know to separate, etc, learned how to pot it from you. When I break these pieces, should I still let it seal the end since it is already growing and I believe one has roots starting? Since it is already Aug. I live in zone 5b, Northwest Indiana and it gets downright cold here, below zero, etc. Should I keep them outside right now and then bring them in the house over the winter? If I do this, how long approximately does it take to actually grow,?Would I put them back out in the spring and let them continue to grow etc? Thank you so much, I hope you have the time to read and reply to this.

  17. I want to be you when i grow up. ha. Trying my hand at turmeric and ginger for the 1st time on my New England rooftop garden. Thanks for all the great content!

  18. I tossed a bunch of tulip bulbs in a big plastic coffee can, put the lid on it, stuck it in the basement and then proceeded to hide it from myself with other stuff. A few years later, I found it, opened it and they were fine! So I thought I'd leave the top off so they could maybe dry out and I could save them longer, AND THEY ROTTED! Just over the course of about a week! All that time in a coffee can and they were fine then I come along interfering and POOF! They're rotted! ROFL! It was really sort of amazing! But, I wonder if you could store ginger the same way…I might try that. I'm not growing ginger but I think I will. Just to see what happens when I put some in a coffee can in the basement.

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