Backyard Garden

Projects, 4×5 Portraits, and the Pentax 6×7

Today we talk about sequencing some work for Articles of Virtu, new work made for the project, and some comparisons between digital and film. You can also view all of the photos in full resolution on my website :

0:00 – Sequencing
9:00 – Taking Breaks
10:37 – Making New Work
13:15 – Digital vs. Film

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  1. Love your content and I am sorry for you losing views 🙁 always happy to see new videos from you, really gives me a lot. Can´t wait for a book with your series.

  2. Talking about digital, what workflow/software do you use for post-processing your digital black&white work?

  3. What a treat man. Bryan, your work never fails to make me feel something. Continue pushing forward brother. Thank you!

  4. I for one love both your videos and your work. You always inspire me to get out and make photographs. Keep up the good work!

  5. You're a brilliant photographer. Hope that adds to the encouragement from the comments. You also have a superb taste in music (imo), do you mind sharing links for the songs?

  6. Perfect ending lol. How strange if he saw your video. Nice storytelling. Does your Pentax 67 have mirror lockup?

  7. Looking good!

    To help your conundrum about the work not feeling rounded enough or not having enough variety, when I feel I plateaued with finding new pictures, I sit down and try to create a mid-term product. One-off, for myself. A zine, a slide show…etc. It's not a book dummy. By this time I also write an essay or whatever supporting material is suitable. The reason for this is to push me to focus and really clarify to both myself and to a potential viewer what the project is about. Also, a good way to test things like my collection of photos, post-processing, even ideas for later book layout and title choice. I include themed contact sheets too. It's much better to have this for a review compared to a bunch of 6R prints. And it helps to keep focus, clarity and motivation. And the best part: I can change all of it. Costs about $10-15 on Magcloud.

  8. I really enjoyed seeing your process and your progress on the sequencing. I'm looking forward to seeing Articles of Virtu reach fruition. That was my favourite part of the video. I also really enjoyed hearing your thoughts around photography being a lifelong goal. Lastly, it was helpful to me to see direct comparisons between digital and film in your work. Thank you!

    Oh, and I like that you've got your photos sequenced on your website.

  9. Waiting for the finall result of your project. It is a long journey. But it will be great book to purchues. Have a great day.

  10. Lovely video Bryan. It's fascinating to see your progress sequencing, this is an area I have little experience in too. As for creativity I've found the best way to get through this is practising self love, patience and journalling. Creativity comes in waves and it's totally okay to not feel the spark at times. Another brilliant course I recommend if you haven't already is Gregory Halpern's magnum course. He also speaks on creativity and feeling inspired

  11. Hi Bryan, it had been ages I had not gone to youtube. Yesterday I was discussing exactly this come and go of creativity, the trials and errors and many other stuff with a photographer and we mentioned your name about a honest youtube channel that is therefore fascinating. The funny part was the chap I was discussing (in real life) has himself a youtube channel with also an interesting honesty about the journey and its necessary pauses on the way. If you have not connected to him I think in a way you are a soulmate of Ulysses Aoki, you should seek him out :).

    Now to your video, I really appreciated the sequencing, the why you did it. That can be discussed, but what you do is what you do. Nobody can take it away. I was surprised when you mentioned some of the criticism you receive. That not everything is perfect makes what you show and do so much more relatable and real. Very interesting part about Digital and film. I would argue that, independently of format, a film print has so much more depth to it than a digital one (at least in Black and white). Not to say i do not like digital prints, they are simply different.

    Well no sooner had I watched this video, I could not stop, i needed more and went for your Chuck Palahniuk one. Oh man the incredible atmosphere in that one and the fabulous portrait on the back of the truck with the cigarette. oh well that one struck me.

    Please do not rush in the weekly video trap, just keep this gems coming when the time is right for you. Take whatever break you need.



  12. Really beautiful work. Don't bother about the YouTube stats, you're making something lasting. Keep going!

  13. Man I feel the comments on digital vs film to a tee. I've largely given up on digital for my serious body of work for that reason. I haven't watched your vids in a while but the photographs you showed here are gorgeous btw.

  14. Don't judge your success as a photographer by the success of your Youtube channel. You're making meaningful work, taking photos that show feelings and emotions. That's so much more important and going to be more fulfilling in the long run than optimizing your youtube channel to maximize advertising metrics.

  15. There is just something about depth and color that digital struggles with still. I feel like such a filmboi saying it… but it simply renders differently. You can tell in those final B&W wedding shots. Great work man. Really love the lady with her mustang, what a portrait.

  16. I only became aware of you project a month ago and I have been backtracking through your videos. Stick with it, I find it very inspiring, and it has given me an idea for a project of my own.

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