Garden Plans

Garden Planning Tips and Strategies

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~~~~~~~~~~~The Pantry Chat: Epidsode # 10

Garden Planning Tips and Strategies

If you are serious about growing nutritionally dense food for you and your family then it take a thought out strategy and lot of planning!

In Episode #10 of the The Pantry Chat, Josh and Carolyn discuss their overall strategy and planning tips that they use to grow over 75% of their veggies for their large family.

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WELCOME! We’re so glad you’re here! Let’s start growing, preserving & THRIVING! We are Josh and Carolyn Thomas. Together with our nine children, we are The Homesteading Family where we’re living a self-sustainable life in beautiful North Idaho. Let us welcome you and show you a bit about us here:

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Click any of the links below for instant access to free video training resources:

Healthy Healing at Home – Learn how to confidently use herbal medicine in your home with this FREE 4 video workshop.

Your Best Loaf – A Free 4 video workshop teaching you how to make great bread at home, every time, regardless of the recipe you are using.

Meals on Your Shelf – Can along with me! Learn to can and put jars of a delicious meal on your pantry shelf with this FREE video series.

Click any of the links below for instant access to these free downloadable PDFs:

– 5 Steps to a More Self Sufficient Life- Simple PDF download on 5 steps anyone can take wherever they are to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle.
– Thrive Wellness Checklist- A simple PDF download for healthy living.
– Permaculture for Your Homestead- PDF download that is an introduction to permaculture with some strategies for applying it to one’s homestead and garden.
– Carolyn’s Cottage Garden herb list- PDF with Carolyn’s favorite herbs for growing at home.
– Carolyn’s Make-Ahead Breakfast Casseroles- Carolyn’s favorite make-ahead breakfast casseroles.
– Your FREE Guide to Preserving Eggs- PDF download with multiple ways to preserve eggs.
– 5 Steps to a Healthy Garden- PDF download with an explanation of what makes healthy soil and 5 steps you can take to improve your garden
– Save the Crumbs- Several Recipes for using bread leftovers, a less committal entry to bread than the workshop.
– Fearless Fermenting- A PDF on basic lacto-ferments.
– Fermenting Tomatoes- PDF download on fermenting tomatoes
– Preserving Culinary Herbs- Downloadable, step by step directions to drying, freezing and salting culinary herbs.
– Render Your Own Lard- PDF with instructions on how to render your own lard.


  1. Such good advice on staggering the planting. I am new to gardening so started off in such an enthusiastic rush and then the season turned unexpectedly hot and most of the greens bolted. Other seeds did not come up or were scorched to death. It was very disappointing, but I then got a "cheat" garden by getting seedlings from a nursery and that went really well and am still harvesting some spinach, peppers, basil and other herbs. For the first time ever I have started Autumn seedlings which have now been planted in my garden and are doing really well in the cooler weather, mostly purple things, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and cabbage. I chuckled when you said do not get carried away by the pretty pictures in the catalogues, which is what I did last year. Now I look at my space (southern hemisphere urban small garden) and am planning more raised beds for next summer and already planning what to grow where with companion planting as well (it would be nice if you could discuss companion planting and natural pesticide plants) I live in South Africa in a very moderate temperature, so we have a long growing season, our winters seldom get below 50 so strictly speaking we can almost grow all year, but I would prefer giving the soil a rest. I have also learned about the amazing advantage of mulching and will never be without it anymore. Making my growing space more for next summer is a priority and am even planning hanging containers for certain crops

  2. I truly enjoy your videos. Thank you so much for taking time and sharing your wisdom. I would like to ask how do you handle days when you feel less motivated , when you don't feel well…?

  3. As Justin Rhodes says, hand raised meat animals have it easy better than wild! Wild animals are killed and eaten while alive. Harvested animals have been raised w love & nourishing food, & harvested w love, humility & gratitude to both them, for the life they give us so we can live, and their/ our Creator!!!!

  4. Thank you for everything! In the past I have seen others with great ideas, but they were dressed so immodest that I couldn't watch! Thank you for always dressing like a true follower of Christ and being an AMAZING example! God bless you and your BEAUTIFUL family always 🙏

  5. Children and chores and homesteading yay! I have 4 children I homeschool under the age of 9, would love to know more so looking forward to next pantry chat!

  6. I love watching ya'll interact! Maybe you can branch off and talk about "growing a great marriage"!! :>) d

  7. Lovce watching you guys! I too homestead in Idaho.. We are just getting started and our property was a bare slate… Kinda hard to not have any berries or fruit but our garden should produce well.. We have lots of egg layers and our meet birds are on pasture and will be ready in 4 weeks..  God is good

  8. Pa is like that , I think we had two days of spring and it is hot here. Trying so hard to grow enough for a year for my family. God is good and working hard. My poor husband works full time plus over time and my health isn't good at all. I have faith and have given it to God. Living in the city and making it happen. God's blessing to you and yours.

  9. I'm finding this overwhelming. Staggered planting, preservation methods, etc. I'm getting started on this at 45 years old. How did you learn all this? How long did it take you to get into your current groove, so to speak? I'm kind of in awe of how much you have going on. I'm SO blessed to have found this channel. I've been binging on your vids for a couple days and have barely scratched the surface!

  10. When we butcher our chickens, I'm the one who does the killing stroke. It is hard (I would be concerned if it wasn't hard), but I look at it as a sacrifice that I make for my animals to have such a wonderful life right up until that point. One difficult day is worth all the days they get to spend out in the sunshine and grass. We don't have the equipment to butcher the larger animals though…so I don't know how it would be if it were one of our steers, for instance.

  11. Here in Ohio we call the end of the season, the plow down. We make sure that we till down the foliage for the nutrients and because we are about 1/2 & 1/2 clay to rich black, it really helps with the hydration and looseness of the soil. Yippee skippy, the gardening season begins!

  12. Hi Carolyn. I need some help finding a video of yours where you showed how to preserve basil in olive oil, making a pesto?, and topping it with olive oil for long term storage. I did a jar and was very happy with the outcome. I know it's not the "official" way, but we love basil and I would like to do several jars of it this growing season. Can you direct me to the video? I've looked but can't find it. Thanks so much!

  13. I would love to hear why you don't like landscaping/weed-control fabric. I am a new gardener and looking for a natural way to keep out those weeds!

  14. For next week, do you guys do any kid activities out of the home? As a homeschooling and homesteading mom I’m struggling with this balance. When we aren’t enrolled in anything I feel like we should add an activity for the kids but when we have an activity I struggle to get everything done and it creates stress. How do you balance?

  15. I would love a video on composting. I have been putting stuff in our large composter and rocking it back and forth with adding additives from the store for composted items. Not sure What I'm doing wrong all I see is Mold of vegetables and fruits in there….do I need more dirt, water, etc. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. HELP is needed!!

  16. 🌸Thank you. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into your channel. You can tell when people are authentic because the proof is in the pudding.🌸

  17. What is the mulch of choice in your area? Straw or woodchips?
    Can we have another video with a good laid out succession planting schedule?
    Can you explain how you avoid the paperwhite moths and aphids on your brassicas? I am at my wits end!

  18. Hi

    I write to you from Africa, help me; I feed my chickens of wheat and soy, but they did not gain weight thank you

  19. Hi

    I write to you from Africa, help me; I feed my chickens of wheat but and soy, but they have not gained weight thanks

  20. Marvel of Four Seasons (lettuce) will even grow and keep good in the cold winter ground (frost up to minus 12 Celcius, snow not tested)

  21. Wouldn't I make sense for you to use layered newspaper and/or cardboard recycling materials to layer over the grass rather then using the (horrible) landscape cloth? Just a thought!

  22. I have pea weevils and I’m super interested in safe ways to eliminate pests. We recently moved and are dealing with grass and weeds moving in the garden as well. I would love to see videos on these!

  23. Can you please have a video on how to deal with insects in the garden and in the house. I have a huge problem with ants in my green house. They end up covering all my bell pepper plants. I also have problems with the little fruit flies (I think?). I get them on my my herbs I grow in my house. I try to grow herbs and lettuce through the winter but these little flies end up being everywhere. I've tried dish soap on the soil and apple cider traps but I just can't seem to get things under control. Regarding the ants, I really don't want to kill the ants in the hills, I would like to figure out how to live with them and maybe keep them out of my green house. Any help would be appreciated.

  24. I'm right there with Carolyn, I really struggle with dispatching the animal itself, but can process the carcass on the other side of it… fortunately, my husband has the capability to dispatch humanely and we butcher together from there.

  25. The record you are talking about is a garden journal…My grandparents kept one , each year they would wright down the weather for each day , what they planted , when they planted & watered , harvest and yield of the crop planted and pests that came about.

  26. Your winter squash….. You just pick them and sit them in your kitchen? You mentioned curing and I'm wondering if that applies to the squash.

  27. What do you do with the winter squash that the keep on the kitchen floor?
    Thanks for all of your videos!

  28. If the mugs are available online let us know 🙂 I may have missed it somewhere. Have you ever considered doing a video on roasting and storing your coffee beans?

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