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'Anti-Woke' Superhero Movie Fails Spectacularly – Weekly Weird News

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00:00 – Alt-Hero
15:27 – Halloween Karen
19:14 – Weaponized Bees
30:42 – Headlines

• Anti-woke superhero movie scammed out of $1M

• Halloween Karen

• Woman uses bees to attack cops


  1. Speaking of bad comics a few years ago marvel had a I think it was a x-men spin off. Where the good mutants was literally going around killing innocent civilians. Not in the anti hero way the civilian was shown to just be doing his 9-5 job and they killed him. Whatever came of that? Or the new hero whos power is literally, that he is connected to the internet all the time. That's his power. So like 95% of everyone with a phone has his power. Did he lose the tide pod challenge or something?

    I know the main audience of comics have always been kids and young adults mostly young men. But damn if a parent reads something like the main hero team is killing civilians do they really think a parent would buy that for their kid? Lol if at least if a parent checks out the stuff they buy for their kid.

    Imagine creating a fake universe where everything works the way you want it to and you still lose. Damn what are they saying now?

    Quick brain spark, I wonder if I could say I want to make a right wing movie and get millions then make up something like oh it wasn't enough, I miscalculated but the next one will make it could I get in trouble?

  2. If that was a black woman releasing these bees, we would be reading her obituary Felonious assault is a dangerous crime to commit against police, except if you're a white woman!

  3. Moderates dislike something liberals like, and the conservatives are all "Get woke go broke."
    Moderates dislike something conservatives like and the conservatives whine about cancel culture.
    The only thing modern conservatives actually care about is owning the libs. The only, only thing. Everything else is subordinate to that, including their own happiness.

  4. People like this Vox guy don't realize that they are doing exactly the same thing these "woke" people do, they allow their identity to influence the way they see everything. The only difference is that "woke" people actually bring up real issues…

  5. I was thinking what would "Anti-Woke" superhero even be like? old school superman and batman with simple beat up bad guy? But then I saw what they actually meant, these far right are utterly confused about everything including their own beliefs.

  6. I keep hearing in the news headlines that Trump is appealing.
    I see nothing appealing about him or anyone else in his world.

  7. You know. I don't have the energy to watch this…. I will just say… I've never… Never agreed with conservatives, on almost anything. Guess what. In America we have rights. I don't have to agree with them. But for the majority of my life…………… I could atleast listen to them talk and say "okay, I don't agree but I can see that is a rational thought process."…

    Today. In America. Conservatism is the platform of hate, terror, panic, rage, and ignorance. That is literally the platform of the republican party since the teabagger revolution. "I'm conservative, that means I hate everything I don't understand, I try to understand absolutely nothing, I'm so scared I'm shitting my pants and I'm freaking the fuck out AND I'M FUCKIN' ANGRY ABOUT IT!"

    This is what conservatism has become in America. And they'll say "well yall damn libs just want to help the poor and end hunger and help the sick get health care and you don't like us for trying to steal from the poor, starve children, and screw the sick so YOU'RE THE ONES THAT'S CLEARLY WRONG".

    Look, you own mother fuckers, you shit heads don't have to be ashamed that your great grandpappy committed genocide and owned slaves, it's also not a culture that you're descended from mass murders and perpetrators of crimes against humanity. Remembering history accurately is important, if your great great grand dad did something horrible. Screw him. That doesn't have to mean "screw you too". You don't have to apologize for it, but you shouldn't be trying to prevent anyone learning about it.

    "We don't want white kids to feel ashamed of actual atrocities we committed during our own life time." They shouldn't have to. But if you're so proud of the things you've done, why are you so scared of your kids learning about it?

  8. @ 2:54 That there comic book has 2 pairs of cock n balls made out of bullet casings

    left side by the dudes head

  9. Random comment:
    Just wanted to say I love y’all! Y’all have been keeping me informed from like half my life it feels lol. I’m 32 I just dropped my kids off to school smoked a J and catching up with the new with y’all! Lol At 40:40 Eliot said something about the “old channel” and it sparked memories in my head! I remember when the host was a Spanish guy( I think Mexican American) on ETC I can’t remember his name for the life of me tho, but I think you guys still worked there. And when y’all took over the good vibes continued!! You guy have build an amazing community! And I’m happy that I was here from the start! Just wanted to give y’all some roses 🌹

  10. These alt right comic book people have never seen an episode of classic Star Trek and it shows 😂

  11. It's weird how people think the only way to fight one extreme is by opposing it with another. Balance and rationality is the answer to extremist culture, not another kind of extremism.

  12. I remember Alt-Hero. It was part of that ComicsGate nonsense “movement” and it was so shit that people within that group didn’t want to associate themselves with Vox Day and tried super hard to distance themselves from that shit. You have to be a hell of a dipshit if a bunch of angry nerds, reactionary YouTubers and an ex-DC artist known for buying Star Wars toys to break them on a livestream that started a trend because they were angry at female Marvel employees having milkshakes during their break don’t wanna be anywhere near you anymore. 😂

  13. All this complaining about SJWs and woke-Ness is just another name for all the panic over "political correctness gone mad", roughly 99% of which was just people getting butthurt over wanton bigotry being socially unacceptable.

  14. ok….. shut up and go watch "the Hunt" its not really about the left or the right, but people who use the left or right as a defense for dumb behavior. almost a story of boy who cryed wolf, with the twist being the boy never did. its silly, and has dumb dieing left and right. now, talking anti woke comic or comic gate, to me its basic, story > anything else. if you comic is only good cause black, trans and/or whatever and the story is after thought then its not good. i have the first comics with iron heart its not fun nor good to me, the other hand i have the lady thor comics and its way better. its not a crime to want some standards in your comics. she-hulk the show, trying to make a case and i think failed at understanding fan problems, that is you dont like what is going on then your a monster or bad person. hearing about this alt hero crap sounds like a funny joke that i would enjoy until learning that it meant to takin seriously. thanks for joining my ted talk and enjoy your day

  15. the minute i noticed you were wearing a knocked loose shirt you said the phrase "barking up the wrong tree" and my immediate thought was the counting worms "ARF ARF"

  16. I know it’s not the point but as someone born and raised in Hawaii I got a bring it up and talk about it. What’s up with this Ohana wealth management company the lady just loves Hawaii. She comes and visit every year that gives her the right to use a Hawaiian word in the naming of her company

  17. so basically for some retards you either accept woke or get all the way to the other side to hitler standards
    this kinda sad

  18. I'm tired of Fake woke and I'm tired of Anti woke, the right complainst about politics but stuff political agenda down media throats just like the left. Their no different.

  19. Have you seen how well the woke superhero movies are doing? I'd argue they're worse haha.

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