Japanese Garden

Watercolor Painting | a Japanese Garden

Watercolor Sketching Without a Pencil

This brush-sketched painting video of the Japanese Hill-and-Pond Garden at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden in New York City is part of my “Visual Diary” series. This brush-sketched painting was done to practice loose painting without using a tight pencil sketch.

You can view and read about the Japanese Hill-and-Pond Garden at the Wikipedia link below.

To read more about Brooklyn Botanic Garden, please visit the following Wikipedia link:

You can also visit my website at www.4andrewchang.com to view my other artwork and read about my educational philosophy.

Also, kindly visit the “Andrew Chang’s Watercolor” YouTube channel to see the whole video. New videos are posted regularly. Don’t forget to leave a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel. Thank you for watching.


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