Container Gardening

SEE Methods of Growing Vegetables Elevated in Raised Bed Container Gardening, Vertical & Box Garden

Growing Tomatoes, Squash, Zucchini, Eggplant, peppers, celery, parsley, lettuce, kale, collard, onions, walking onions, papaya, pepino, mint, roses, and so much more. Elevated Way to grow vegetable in raised bed Container Garden, many methods here to see. Garden Tour, a week before Summer. Growing in Totes, Storage Container Gardening is a way to SAVE on Water, Plants grow great and help to retain water for the fast growing plants. Growing in Vertical Garden, contain gardening, raised garden bed and buckets all growing food. See a Vertical Garden in Buckets using almost no space at all growing lots of food! Tomatoes and Zucchini growing everywhere and more, solar fountains for enjoyment in the garden. See How to Grow in Raised Garden Bed & Container Gardening using Tulle to protect our plants and produce. How to Protect your Vegetables, Cheap & EASY Tulle protect seedlings, Container Garden, small spaces, patio garden, fruit trees, Papayas, kale, lettuce, tomatoes, Vegetables, flowers and in the ground plants. Spring going strong, cold nights but many plants are doing great, soon others will start to come up.

Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated/aff. link to the company:
and another aff. link for the Solar Fountains we use here, as they run out fast:

Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an aff. link to their site, (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

Best Price I have found for TULLE. This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an aff. link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

This is a pump that works off a Power Bank unit, (like a phone Charger) no solar needed:

Growing TONS & Saving Water in Raised Bed Garden Totes, Vertical Gardening, Tomatoes Zucchini & More



  1. Robbie your property is so beautiful. Thank you for helping us with your your ideas. You really keep me wanting to go out and work in my little garden, hubby and I have 6 totes. So excited to see our radish and cucumbers and squash!!! Copied your solar power fountains too, have 3. Thank you !!! Enjoy your videos.

  2. Bought my first house and was eager to finally graduate past apartment porch gardening. I've been using a lot of your creative ideas and I love your positivity it's really pushed me forward! I listen to your videos while gardening much love from Indiana ❤️

  3. Does dragonfly nymphs eat baby fish! I freaked out when I used to raise guppies there was a dragonfly nymph that ended up in my tank obviously from some plants that I bought oh my God freaked me out 😆

  4. Any ideas on a trellis for a very tall black cherry tomato in a 20 gallon container. I inverted tomato cages but the 2 cages are not tall enough. I think the plant is at least 10 ft tall.

  5. Love your gardens Robie! ❤️
    I just start to grow vegetables on my balconies! I also use all kinds of plastic boxes I have or found from scrubs 🤣 I was looking for videos with gardening in containers and, thank God! I found your lovely chanel!!!
    I am making my own soil too and plant all my plants the way you do it!
    You are helping me so much, cause you give me so many ideas to grow my food but not sending money! It's very important what you're doing and that's the point! That we can grow our food anywhere. It's so important what you're doing and what you're showing to us! That must become a lesson to the schools, how to grow their own food! My son is autistic 10 years old and loves gardening! It's a great therapy for him …..and me too 🤣
    Here in Greece everything is expensive, prices are up every week ! I saw your video you were talking about that and i so much agree with what you're saying!!!
    Thank you so much!!! Greetings from Greece!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. I thought I was plant crazy , then I saw your gardens . I love it . I have gotten a lot of inspiration from you and Gary . I am making my own soil and my plants are loving it . I also add my worm castings to every plant . I made some more fountains and one my grandbaby helped me make. I used 2 easter buckets like you use the trash can , then we used a 3 liter bottle and the fountain is so cool . Birds love it .

  7. Your bird garden area is all edible . Yes , the leaves and flowers of geraniums are edible and quite healthy for you too .

  8. I got curious about when you said it's still getting cool at night so I quick looked up San Diego weather.. wow! do you have magnificent temperatures! Our lows now are higher than your high temps.. we barely got into the 70s over night two days ago.. triple digits in the daytime…in Georgia. I wonder how collard trees do in these temps.. not that I've been able to find any locally.

  9. FANTASTIC SO SO BEAUTIFUL!! Hi Robbie.😊❣️ your gardens is amazing. My garden is doing very well too this year. My bird garden is looking fantastic the Hummingbirds are back I have 2 that I've seen at the same time feeding. Those strawberry towers are great for growing radishes I just thru seeds in them and they grew like crazy. Thank you Robbie for sharing and inspiring all us gardeners. Love you Gary and Kitty. God bless. Your friend from Pennsylvania hugs.🐾🐾🥦♥️🍅🍆🥕🦎🧅🧄🌹🌻❣️🙏

  10. I planted zucchini for the third time. It’s been raining and next thing they have root rot and die. So no type of squash. Zone B northwest Florida. I placed toulle around the bird feeders and squirrels didn’t care and kept eating all the feed. Relocated feeders so let’s see. All type of peppers 🌶 🫑, tomatoes growing still green, eggplants, okra… doing great.

  11. Have you ever tried making a self-watering system for the grow bags? I did for mine and I absolutely love it. Just put the bags inside a kiddie pool or container. You can drill drain holes in the container and put them on a watering timer.

  12. My pool temperature in Florida was 92 F yesterday. It's definitely summer here. Thanks Robbie! We love your tours.

  13. I'm curious. May I ask what zone you're in? I'm in zone 9b in the central valley of CA.
    Also, is the compost in place method use a version of the 'core method'?
    Also, ( 😁 ) do you plant one zucchini per 18 gal tote? I've planted zucchini for the first time and I put them in the ground, and am confident that I have them too close together.

  14. Bag pot….needs a saucer below to hold the water. The bag evaporates. Plastic doesn’t. You’ll have success with a base under the bag

  15. How to get the earthworms in the elevator containers? I am trying to grow in cardboard boxes.

  16. Robbie I wish u would sell some of your seeds…… u have plants I can’t get. I know u can order seeds from online stores but I wish you would sell yours. And even clippings. I would love a tree collard, stevia, sugar cane, you have so much….

  17. geranium s are edible, use for tea and season meat and salad. I HV not tried so not sure of the flavor. and thank u I HV never thought of bird seed not being quality , I will do better for my birds .

  18. Robbie I enjoyed your garden tour, I started my ginger indoors and they're doing great, I'm in zone 6 so I have to start them early.

  19. I always enjoy your garden tours, feels like I'm walking around with you in your garden!🍅🥦🍉🥒🥕🍓🥭🌶🥬🌻🌷🌺🥀🌴

  20. Thank you for creating the garden tour. I enjoy seeing all the plants growing. How are your peppers and other veggies growing for several years?

  21. I have been binge watching your videos I have 3 gardens plus containers and I have gotten some great ideas from you. I have to be creative because I am in zone 3 but with the price of food I garden as much as I came

  22. A couple of things…
    Will you do a video about saving seeds? Like when to know that they are ready or how to get them from different plants?
    Also, my squash (spaghetti and zucchini) have had female flowers shriveling before the flower opens. I’ve heard it’s because the plant is suffering, but I don’t know what it specifically could be (it seems like the possibilities are endless). I have had leafminers pretty bad and I’m trying to cut off the worst leaves, but I’m worried about cutting off so much that it kills the plant and I lose my spaghetti squash that are growing (I had one zucchini and I picked it and haven’t had any more female flowers open). Or I’ve heard it could be the weather too (I’m also in so cal)? Any ideas what to try to help my plants keep the female flowers?

  23. 🦝🦝 are the worse lol. They got into our chicken feed literally took the lid off the can and helped there self. Ugh!!!! So we trapped them the love marshmallows best cheap bait lol… And we got them and then took them far far away and let them go. Hopefully they don't find there way back here. Anyways that's that. Robbie and Gary your garden looks fabulous 🙌🥒🥦🥬🍌🥕🌶️🍅🥑 thanks for sharing have a great day!!! Stay safe ❤️

  24. Ty much Robbie:) it’s always great to see how many veggies u get in your gardens! I can’t wait to harvest my veggies 🙂 ty

  25. I saw a company that does grow bags specifically for drier, hotter regions on Next Level Gardening who is also in CA. IF you are interested in trying those, I can get the company name for you, however, I think your totes are doing so awesome you probably wouldn't need to bother unless you just want to do an experiment for your viewers.

  26. Another awesome tour ❤️ Question: Can you tell us how much time you spend each day on average in the garden? I might spend an hour or two. Today I put in about an hour just getting chicken wire on the garden gate to keep the dogs out. That time included searching for wire cutters and zip ties, then carefully attaching the wire to the fence and cutting it to size. Pest control, plant supporting, weed control, trimming, starting new containers, watering, fussing with the shade cloth, … It's so much activity going all the time! The East Texas heat has arrived early this year, so I do what I can, starting at the break of dawn long before sunup to water before that blazing sun stresses the plants. I'm doing a combination permaculture/container garden in a 15×30 space raised bed, framed with old railroad ties on the perimeter and protected from deer by a chain link fence. I put up a cattle panel arbor in the center, and let the weeds take over all but the strawberry and asparagus patches last year. The wild dewberries did fantastic, giving me a bumper crop this spring, and it was quite the chore chopping it back to make room for containers. A white pumpkin squash volunteered, and has taken over 1/3 of the space. I have so much thriving happily, with lizards, frogs, birds and plenty of insect life. I love it all. Thanks for all your help!

  27. Hi, Robbie! You inspire me! I love how much information you give in your videos. You always seem to have perfect timing when I need an answer for something I’m struggling with in my garden. I learn so much from you!

    About grow bags …. I was very thankful to have them when I went out of town for a long weekend. My plants were still young and vulnerable when it was very dry here. So, I put them in soil in the grow bags and placed the bags in whatever containers I had on hand. I put about 2-3 inches of water in the bottom of the containers so that when I left, the grow bags would wick up the water and my plants would not die before I got back. It worked wonderfully! They really work best in a wicking-type system.

  28. Robbie hi I was just wondering do you put holes in the totes that are on the ground for drainage?

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