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Trapped in the Metaverse: Here’s What 24 Hours in VR Feels Like | WSJ

Everyone is blabbing about the metaverse. But what does this future digital world look like? WSJ’s Joanna Stern checked into a hotel and strapped on a virtual-reality headset for the day. She went to work meetings, hung out with new avatar friends and attended virtual shows. Photo illustration: Tammy Lian / The Wall Street Journal

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  1. What is the world coming to, eventually this will be used for illegal activities, Metaverse; how about living in the Universe; all you kids go out side and get muddy, dirty, and enjoy the universe; it is so much fullfilling!

  2. If my business came to me and said all of our meetings will be in the metaverse, I'd tell them to go screw.

  3. I hope they develop vr technology that connects brain to system via some Si-Fi helmet tech or something. Similar to Sword Arts Online anime VR deep dive capsule.

  4. That’s by far the most horrendous thing that I’ve ever seen. It managed to be worse than bee movie.

  5. War of Metaverse is started, let's see who wins this…. but that would be the craziest thing of our lives.. China is another giant and I'm sure replica will be made by them before an official launching 😁

  6. I haven't watched the video yet and I already feel sorry for the poor girl just from reading the title. 24 hours in the Metaverse, that's torture!!!

  7. I have a oculus, but I don’t care about the “virutal world” I just like how the games feel.

  8. playstation did a similar thing called playstation home but it wasn't vr more than 10 years ago and it looks a 1000x better than that

  9. Reminds me of Wall-E, even if it’s a interest, it should be for old Aged. Thanks to these inventions drawing alter ego back to nature.

  10. We were given a world to live in by our Father. I'm not sure we should be creating our own world as God, Glory to Him, has created the one which we call reality for us. It's just something to consider. Showing disdain for reality by trashing it and then living in one we have created?

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