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  1. I believe you are right Travis.. So sad to think what is coming, we can't even imagine. Hubby and I are both 69 we are ok but not strong enough if bad people come to hurt us. No guns here as we live in Canada , We do have a dog but our cat is meaner then the dog.Just hoping to survive. I keep prepping.

  2. There’s a lot of things in this world going sideways. I’ve lived in interesting life and been a few places. I just want you like minded people to know, you are smarter than you think, more resourceful than you believe and able to do much more than you give yourself credit for. Stay save, stay strong. You can do this…. Psalms 144:1. You have unknowingly been prepared for this. 🙏

  3. Good advice and I love watching this channel and a couple others why? They do not push Gold and Silver. Getting tired of all the gold pushers. Yes gold and silver is good but the Bible says otherwise
    Ezekiel 7:19

    19 They cast their silver into the streets, and their gold is like an unclean thing. Their silver and gold are not able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord. They cannot satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs with it. For it was the stumbling block of their iniquity.

    Food and tangible items will be MOST important

  4. Many things have been occurring over the past several months but they hid it all under the rug mostly for 2 reasons; 1 elections and 2 not causing panic when Americans find out the fuel reserves have been pumped dry and sold to china & others. Back in July they only had 1-3 day supply in the US network, some days barely hitting the 1 day supply in the Eastern regions. That is only the fuel, everything else is in the same boat like food, energy, everything! Also RR companies are telling new recruits the strikes are not only over but a done deal. Truth is it was only a band-aid and the taxpayers will soon find out how much that cost them to bail out another major corporation owned by psychotic elite with friends in high places. The world is finally hearing the warnings from even the most evil of evil only because even they have underestimated their original estimates and yet another reason why modern consumer debt based society was doomed from its beginnings.
    Epic times will effect everyone differently depending on many things but especially your individual choices over the past few years is what will have the most altered outcome so it won't be a simple wall of water to wipe everything out and be a "one-and-done" collapse because the only thing more complicated & layered than the truth is the lies propping everything up.

  5. When asked I answer that this is going to look like The Walking Dead minus the walkers.

    Don't feel bad for calling things as you see them. I think this is going g to collapse quickly and violently.

  6. Now, I am not that concerned about diesel fuel shortages. There are several reasons. In another 24 days nearly all the farm crops will be harvested leaving what diesel they have been using to be used for other purposes. Diesel is not dependent on petroleum. There is a plant near here making biodiesel from vegetable oil. Because of high fertilizer prices we had a huge soybean crop this year and biodiesel can be made from soybean oil. It is also possible that enough pressure will be put on Biden to force him to relax his regulations on the refineries. Yes, there are plenty of problems these days but I don't see diesel as the biggest one right now.

  7. Absolutely Travis! The evil of universalism which engineered tolerance to acceptance and the now forced way. Unless God intervenes in a might way or in a few weeks the balance of power changes where policies can start changing in January; I agree it is going to horrible. Tribulation is coming.

  8. God gave us prayer, it can change things if we have faith and pray. God can move these mountains. Be Brave! Be Bold! Be Strong!

  9. I totally agree with you, Travis. This is the beginning of the end and it's going to be rough til Jesus returns. We'll just have to do the best we can and look to the Lord. ❤

  10. People don't want to realize what is happening, they are in denial! They will not be prepared. I have friends that refuse to stock up, because they don't believe things will get worse. They have even told me, that if it really happens, they can come and get things from me, since I am prepared. I look them straight in the eye and tell them, "I might not be here"!


    May I have a few ideas for a VERY simple and light militiaman kit that fits in a sling bag.

  12. The truth of the matter is that life was never what we thought it was. Once you realize that, you can't help but feel at least a little deceived.

  13. Seen a really long train early this morning,here in East Texas, carrying Jeeps, Hummers, Ambulances , among other vehicles, with the Red Cross on them. These are used by the Geneva Conventions, used only by permission for humanitarian purposes. Something is about to happen. Stay safe folks, God bless. 🙏❤️✝️

  14. Empty shelf space at home depot and then I bought the last several quarts of oil for my lawnmower at farm supply store, the chain is getting tighter and tighter every time I go to town.

  15. Thank you for sharing your heart. Thank you for proclaiming the Word of God. We are all in His hands. Trust in the Lord and lean not unto your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight. May we each glorify the Lord. Put our complete faith and trust in Him. God is in control. We need To be following Him. I long for the coming of His Son Jesus Christ. Titus 2:13.

  16. My husband works for republic services one of the top garbage collection companies in the country. These trucks run solely on diesel fuel. So if they shut this down garbage collection will end. Then you have disease and rodents. They are known as the 2nd responders because this industry is so vital.

  17. TAKE – A – LOOK ————————————————– Things do not look good ! ————- READ ———————- Get Informed .

  18. I stopped to top off my gas cans yesterday. They were out. Probably because it was $3. A gallon. I got the fancy gas instead because I'd rather pay extra and have it. Who knows when there won't be more coming.

  19. These "sudden" shortages remind me of Netflix movies on demand, shortages on demand. I would say its not coincidence but because of the election coming up.

  20. Two things need to happen immediately, remove ALL of our present leadership and restore oil production.
    Even at that, we are basicly screwed for the next two years.

  21. I was going to go to the store today and fill some low spots in my storage, but all I could feel from something was "study the Bible". I believe we are going towards something none of us have ever experienced before or even thought could happen. Pray for our country.

  22. American people is being Destroyed by our government!! To being in the New worlds order system we are in Trouble!!!

  23. Remember when hand sanitizer was no where to be found? I found it at the less populated stores and THAT is when I woke up and began my prepping journey. It turned out to be my last year and a half as an employed person because later I had to choose retirement. I hit the prepping thing HARD thinking THAT was the end. Now, I can say I'm in maintenance mode. I am living on a fixed income and SO GLAD I prepped hard in the beginning. I can only afford to slowly add to my preps now and rotate them which seems to be working. I thank GOD that HE led me to channels like this and showed me what I needed to do. If you are new, don't get overwhelmed, just get out there and buy what you can with each paycheck. Do it again the next paycheck. Pretty soon, you will be amazed at how much you have, but don't stop. Be organized! My apartment can't hold enough for the non preppers in my life, so NOW I buy them things and give it to them. They are preppers too and don't even realize it.
    Lol, Grammy WINS!

  24. Trains run on diesel fuel. We have less than 25 days of diesel fuel left. Who cares if the railroad workers strike when there's no trains running anyway?

  25. enjoy watching your videos. your a humble man so it's easy to
    listen to you. . You dont speak alot of hype, you just speak what's in your heart. . That deserves much respect and you have mine.

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