Japanese Garden

The Garden You Have To See In Japan | The Adachi Museum

In this video, we are visiting the garden you have to see in Japan; The Adachi Museum of Art. Voted the best garden 17 years in a row, the Adachi Museum and Garden is the perfect place to see beautiful art against the backdrop of arguably the best garden in Japan. Located in Shimane prefecture, the beautiful museum garden is a definite must see on your next visit to the Chugoku region. Built by the businessman Zenko Adachi, the museum houses over 1300 pieces of 20th century art that is rotated throughout the year.

The museum is open throughout the year and admission is 2000 yen. (for tourists)

Shimane prefecture, home to Izumo Taisha, and also Matsue castle, is rich with history and culture. Located in the countryside, it is the perfect place for travelers to enjoy the Japanese countryside as the locals do.

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