Front Yard Garden




  1. Completely redoing the fence line – let’s do something different

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  2. It takes a lot of time to move everything buggy, rocks, vintage car collection, to mow. Baloo came to help you the second time you ran into the tractor. 😁🐶 3:19

  3. The ghost buggy of Waverly Hall. That buggy was probably used to hunt for the Pig Boy back in the day.

  4. Make a display near the old gas generator. That way there would be two old farm pieces together and it will be easier to keep the weeds from it. There may be other things to place on your old farm museum also. Just a thought.

  5. Looking better. Can see spots in the fence that are sagging. Lots of work to do but perseverance will win the battle. If you have enough flat rock make a pad for the buggy. Put down a heavy material to prevent more wisteria from growing and place the rock on that then the wagon. It then becomes a maintenance free area. Keep the vids coming. I watch both channels as i am interested in history preservation as well.

  6. Love your videos and enjoy watching them every time they come on. Restoring the old Byrd farm and house. May the Lord bless and protect you

  7. This will look nice and neat. It is hard to maintain an area with rock edging like this. It is pretty but difficult to keep weeds at bay. lol Wow, could hardly see the buggy for the weeds. That wisteria is a beast!!! Hop it does not break the buggy!

  8. I'm glad my wisteria died. I tried 3 times all 3 times nothing. Can't grow grapes either. Looks very good

  9. I know, I know…you’ve got better things to do than keep us entertained.☹️ But we look forward to these videos Robert. Make them a little longer…..sincerely your fans.👏

  10. You pick up those heavy rocks like I pick up pebbles. You make it look easy. Hope you show Scotts rock masterpiece in one of your videos. From Minnesota

  11. That darn wisteria But hey Robert it is looking amazing . Thanks for the excitement with the tractor oh my it's been a true blessing .

  12. Great to see you address the front and now that you have your very own kuboda, get things down and mowed. Looking really nice again Robert, and now with the tractor will be able to maintain it all as well, Thank you to Scott for coming by and lending a hand to it all. Great Video. Hugs to Blu.

  13. Work never ends owning the Old Byrd Farm.
    Love that wagon. It’s so cool looking sitting out front of the yard. You need to get you a couple of pots of Mums to sit up on the seating area. It would look so nice n of course cute. You might not be into cute though LOL. That dang wisteria is at it again. Don’t let it get wrapped up in the wagon again. That stuff is hard to kill isn’t it? Curious to see what you’ll do with the rocks n wagon.

  14. You can't just mow it you have to dig up the roots. You have flower bulbs in there + the lily so don't ruin those.

  15. Why are you and Aaron not teaming up on the jobs you have around your properties?

  16. I've learned to put thick black plastic down with yard staples in my flower beds and other areas where i do not want weeds, blackberry vines, holly tree starts, and all the other things in my area that grow wild!!! First time I used landscape fabric and the next year weeds and lilies of the valley had grown through!! So I put down the black plastic, cut a hole whereever i want to put something to grow, cover with mulch, and do not need to do weedeating, pulling weeds, well very few compared to no plastic! Now I have more time to do other things instead of weekly or biweekly weedeating!!!!

  17. I allways watch but am begginging to wonder. Why not finnish one project? Place all tour vintage veheclsneatly at the front of the property? Make ut a feature!!

  18. It was great watching Robert dive right into the clean up. It appears that rattlesnakes and copperheads were the last thing Robert thought about digging out the rocks. Snakes brumate very late in Georgia. While living in the Leefield area, I saw my fair share. I'd ride down the Ogeechee River in a tube and those water moccasins would be dropping out of the trees. I like the Georgia law where it is illegal to kill non-venomous snakes. Eaglegards…

  19. Maybe you could lay a few pieces of tin down and make a sort of platform for the buggy to keep it free from undergrowth.

  20. I would weed eat around stuff before moving anything.snakes! Then pick up and mow. But thats just me lol!

  21. That buggy is so dang cool 😎
    It looks like it's still in amazing
    condition. New paint job or not
    don't know …..I'd try my best to
    paint it and if you have any horses
    Get it fixed up and offer hay rides on
    it to help with costs upgrading and
    restoring The Old Byrd Farm.
    Just a thought but truthfully
    I am completely awed by it
    All 4 wheels still move. Ok
    I'm done talking. 😆😆😆

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