Vegetable Gardening

High Yield Vegetable Plants For Small Garden Spaces

Even if your garden is small, that doesn’t mean that your vegetable output has to be. You can grow lots of healthy and tasty veggies with these 7 high-yield, fast-growing plants. If you just have a small patio or deck, you are still in luck. Many of these plants can be grown in containers, and some grow vertically rather than horizontally. The fruits of your labor will be just-picked-fresh and will add tasty goodness to all your summer meals, and you’ll make a big dent in your grocery bill as a bonus.

1.Leaf Lettuce
Harvest lettuce leaves whenever you need them, and more will grow right back in their place as long as you don’t damage the crown. Leaf lettuce varieties you can grow include oak leaf, red sails, and mesclun.

Plant cherry or grape tomatoes and you’ll get gobs of tomatoes in compact clusters. They’ll do well in the ground or in containers on a patio or deck. So use any sunny spot that you have available.

Bell peppers grow up, rather than out, so they’re the perfect candidate for a pint-sized garden plot. Smaller pepper varieties also do well. Tuck them into your landscaping where they’ll look ornamental or grow them in pots on your patio.

Spinach is a nutritious vegetable that grows quickly in cool weather. Plant it in full sun or partial shade, and it will be ready to harvest within four to six weeks.
Spinach can be harvested multiple times in the “cut and come again” method. Cut the individual older leaves and let the younger inner leaves continue to grow for a later harvest. If you cut the leaves at about an inch above the base, the plant may send out a new batch of leaves for you to harvest at a later date.

Give cucumber plants a place to climb so that they don’t take up a lot of space, and you’ll end up with more cukes than you can pick, pickle, and give away. If you want to grow cucumbers in containers, opt for compact or bush varieties. Their vines will only spread a few feet.

It only takes about 45 days for radishes to reach harvest size, so that’s another spot in your garden that you can replant, either with radishes or another plant. Try planting heirloom radishes ​for unique colors, shapes, and flavors. 

7.Bok Choy
Another quick-growing vegetable, bok choy (also known as pak choi) is a type of Chinese cabbage. There are two varieties you can grow: baby bok choy, which is less than 10 inches tall, and standard bok choy, which grows 1 to 2 feet tall.
Plant your bok choy in partial shade for best results, though it can handle full sun. Water it consistently, as drought causes the plant to bolt. Depending on the variety that you’re growing, as well as the weather, your bok choy will be ready to harvest in around 45 to 60 days.


  1. Leave some Radish in the garden then it will bloosem and start to make Radish beans. Witch are delicius to eat! A real and rare treat that not manny ppl know.

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