Container Gardening

Container Garden Mold
– LDS Prepper Premium Plant Micro Nutrients
– Mittleider Gardening Course Book
– Heirloom Garden Seeds
– Berkey Water Filters
– Off-Grid Portable Solar Generator


  1. if it's on pots of grown plants i think it only benefits, seedlings wouldn't survive and if leaving leafs would touch the ground, which isn't the case…but I can't guarantee, some specific fungi could be harmful, sorry I guess I was no help 😉

  2. well seeing that vid is from the Houston days, did you get a response or ever make a determination on which path to go?

  3. Burlap coffee sacks! Get them from your local coffee shop. The allow a bit of evaporation but the perfect amount of breathability.

  4. I usually add 1 to 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide to distilled or filtered water in a commercial spray bottle. Then give it sun and airflow.

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