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How India's Perfumers Recreate The Smell Of Rain On Earth | Still Standing

We visited India’s perfume capital, Kannauj to see how craftsmen make “attar,” or natural perfumes using a centuries-old steam distillation method.

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How India’s Perfumers Recreate The Smell Of Rain On Earth


  1. Well, let me tell you, I ordered Kannauj best attars. It was big mistake. 1. Zero potency. 2. Zero projection. 3. Zero longevity. EUR 160 been spent on total crap ( excuse me). I m under impression that whaever they make in that distillery is either inferior quality or zero quality. Mitty Attar has nothing to do with rain. Total disappointment and wasted money.

  2. Everyone: "The smell of rain hitting soil is so nostalgic"
    Me in Arizona: "yay… sand…"

  3. Perfumes were traded from india by middle east and persians to the europe and was popular before mughals. So please correct your words.

  4. I use a 40Rs attar occassionally. Don't go for the price it's one of the best smells I've ever smelled( Also i have a sensitive nose)

  5. I bet that perfume smells amazing, isn't smell of rain just wet dirt.. I smell it everytime I use sprinklers 🤷🏻

  6. I love the scent of rain hitting concrete or asphalt, some of these guys out here like to use helidone to recreate this, or oak moss for the scent of water hitting hot sand.
    I adore rose scents, it's the highest vibrational herb! I LOVE this video. Skilled craftsmen you deserve honour!

  7. What exactly is difficult about putting basic electricity infra and getting measuring scales for the workers?

  8. “The hardest part is accurately measuring water” lmao wait until he sees this new fangled invention we have called a scale…

  9. That is called petrichor and i started this channel with that name because it is the most pleasant one i know which can change mood instantly ❤️

  10. How can you say that it was developed by mugals? It was already in olden than Islam hindu scriptures about Sugandha dravyas ! They didn't even knew how to do daily activities properly , we were already done with astronomical calculations

  11. But this tradition of making scent will never lost in future. Because it is used in hindu prayer ceremony and it is compulsory for prayer .

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