Vegetable Gardening

Vegetable Gardening: Three Sisters Update Part 2

Patti, the Garden Girl, and her daughter Ale the Garden Kid show you how to maintain a garden. A little fun in the garden.

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  1. Can I eat this now?……NO!…..oh…. love it! We have tons of beans too! But the blight got our tomatoes here in NC. We are trying again with fall tomatoes. Seedlings are doing well and we are on our way!

  2. Second comment lol
    Cute video…and great raised bed it really grew beautifully. About the slug traps…if you have a dog cover the bowls you use cuz dogs like beer too..mine does anyway =)

  3. : ) real cute video …i laught more than once it was so cute…lol " i'm going to eat this one!" was the best…as always thanks for sharing…i planted my garden too late ( early summer ) so, my garden kinda burned up…lol i'll try again…lol : )

  4. that was a cute video! why do squash and those types of vegetables attract big nasty bugs?

  5. Patti – have you thought about trying out a hedgehog in your raised beds? The walls look high enough to keep them in, I don't think they burrow if they have a little tunnnel/home provided above surface, and as long as you don't have raccoons or foxes, they should have able to eat bugs, snails, slugs etc in peace. They also don't pack the earth of course, are big enough to chase our moles/voles and are small enough waddle through the veggie maze w/o affecting the plants (unlike poultry.)

  6. What region do you live and do you use fertilizer my zucchinni leaves never get that big.

  7. this is adorable and your beautiful daughter is a wise inquisitive young lady and baby my winter squash died due to squash bugs made me mad everything looks great

    God Bless

  8. I agree with you.

    Also why wouldnt she let the girl eat the bean? is she using chemicals on her beans? eating it fresh out of the garden is the best.
    Then she cuts the small bean to show the girl dont pick these. Couldnt she just have said se this one and point to it rather than cutting it off the vine?

  9. Berry, berry nice! love your video, you are kinda living out my dream to grow my own garden and become self sustainable. I commend you for the wonderful job you and your sweet daughter is doing. Where are you located?


    Yah bless you!

  10. I tried this last year with no success. I think the birds ate most of the seeds. I'm thinking that corn is just not my crop.

    The info I read indicated that you plant the corn, wait until it's about a foot, then plant the beans to climb the corn and the squash to shade.

    I never made it past the corn…..

  11. As Geoff Lawton says: "If you have a snail or slug problem you have a duck deficiency!"

  12. I love that you fed the slugs to the fish! I always felt like such a sadist when I paid the neighbor kids a penny a slug/snail/hornworm, then just threw them in the middle of the street to die in the 100+ degrees. (the slugs, not the kids)

  13. Chickens love slugs. Mine enjoy them greatly. Slugs love the yeasty smell of beer, but at least they die happily, or possibly finding fault with their world in a giant tirade.

  14. I'm in pest control. Feel free to use slug bait with the active ingredient metaldehyde. Metaldehyde is an organic compound and does exactly what the beer does (only faster). Metaldehyde is produced in humans when we are "hung-over" after drinking. Slugs can't handle it (that's why the beer kills them) when it is produced in them. I've used both methods to fight slugs (beer or metaldehyde [HiYield brand]) and the granules are just faster. Nice channel, by the way!

  15. Those native Americans that had the idea to plant the 3 sisters together sure were smart! Ive read that that combination is sheer agricultural brilliance!The beans give the soil nitrogen and that nitrogen makes the corn grow taller and then when the corn grows taller the beans climb up the corn even higher. And then the pumpkin on the ground in between them has big leaves that spead out and protect the soil from the sun so it doesn't dry out,as corn needs to be kept moist as it has shallow roots

  16. Absolutely I planted my starts for this yesterday. I haven't finished editing the video but it will be up by the end of the week.

  17. That little girl is very conscientious and caring about life .. even if it is a bean or a slug. Bless her. I'm also very happy to see how a 3 Sisters planting grew in a container garden. Love your channel. Thanks. 

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