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“We Need To Be EXTREMELY WORRIED About Our Future..” | Jordan Peterson

In this video, Dr. Jordan Peterson discusses the misinformation about climate change and how it’s being used to create a new religion of global warming. He also talks about how the demand for renewable energy is an attack on the middle class and how fossil fuels have been unfairly demonized.

“What We’re Being Told About Green Energy Is Wrong” | Jordan Peterson:
“What They’re Telling Us About ENERGY Is Wrong!” | Jordan Peterson:
“I’m Considering Becoming The Primer Minister Of Canada” | Jordan Peterson:

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►Spoken by: Jordan Peterson.

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►Music by Audiojungle.


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  1. The climate change initiative is designed to make more even the lives and economic opportunity of all people. Not by bringing up the living standards of the poor, but by lowering the living standards of the wealthiest nations. Of course the living standards of those making these decisions will not be hurt at all. They will in fact profit from the decisions being made, because they know what the game is and will position themselves accordingly.

  2. Media is controlled …brainwashing at it.s finest..most politician for themselves…world dominance is close….

  3. What a total, nicely produced, basket of bull sh$t. You start out telling us how Trump was able to appeal to a certain segment of the population, laced with psycobable and then jump into an entirely unrelated blather rant about global warming.. I read your summary and found nothing in the video that substantiates your claims. The real kicker is the title of the video. Answer me this Professor; Since when is being "Extremely Worried" about anything ever benefited anyone? The last thing we need is professional pitchmen like yourself inserting politics and unvarnished opinions into such a serious matter as climate change. Having listened to your analysis of Trump's popularity, scholarly as it is, allow me to offer mine: the vast majority of Trump supporters reside in municipalities whose water supply has been found to have excessive amounts of lead contamination which has been proven to effect brain development and IQ.

  4. Stop you are starting on a totally false.. fantasy premise UK any others… China pump raw sewage into the rivers and the sea that is never top of their agenda not sexy enough. You are discussing a fantasy story, pointless.

  5. It isn't the failure of humanity but moreso the sabotage of it by deep state and co. Global warming is a fraud.

  6. sorry innovation is destroyed by our system that imprisons us in a consumer state! the solutions are there but they are suppressed!!!! the industrial military complex is creating wars all over for $$$$. industrial pharma making people sick for $$$$$! we are there!!!! nothing like a crisis to make$$$$$

  7. Don't fight or combat or look at at climate change as a problem pit against us as humans inhabiting the Earth. Why are we not embracing and learning and making certain efficient change so we can live with climate change. Mother Earth goes through cycles of heating and cooling been that way for billions of years. Humans are not the primary cause .it's not like that at all.

  8. It's unbelievable how so many people cannot see that the problem is in KEEPING a monetary system.
    It means that people do not trust others which means that people don't trust themselves.

  9. Do all the farmers just need their own lagoon? My families been farm in the same land for seven years almost and they had a viewing right from the start and they don’t need fertilizer.

  10. This is what happens when kids don't pay attention in class…they grow up to believe anything they are told. Since when did Carbon dioxide become a problem. It's absolutely necessary for life on this planet. Get rid of CO2 and you get rid of plant life and humans. If you want a healthier climate… Stop Geo engineering and weather modification.

  11. This emission story is the best and longest ever told. It really stuck in voters head. And yes you are right that its a global responsibility. It only takes one product or one country not to participate and the reduction targets don't work. …..but the story continuous like a religious cult.
    Emissions are just shifted out of sight. It has been done for over 30 years, and we have countries without the reduction cost get all the work through globalisation. The big emitters don't play to the rules. The Net0 promoting countries go bankrupt, but feel good all the way.

  12. The question that is not asked is, why doesn’t the governments listen to the people who elected the?
    Because they are all stooges for the WEF
    They have sold their souls all around the world:
    Is anyone really buying this global warming:

  13. Carbon tax isn't going to solve any thing except take away your freedom , that's what carbon tax means. Total control of your expenses "for your own good"

  14. Lots of information lot talking lots of futuristic talking but we still need fossil fuels this is a directed at your guest . I'm a pleasant peasant lm not a king of noble but even a 5 year old kid could tell us it's going to take at least two decades to replace fossil fuel. So much for the b**********. Now I'm listening to innovation in government intervention to lobbythe businesses . B******

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