Garden Plans

Plan With Me: Your Veggie Garden Starts Here! πŸ₯¬πŸ“πŸ«πŸ’πŸ…πŸ₯‘πŸ₯¦πŸŒΆπŸŒ½πŸ₯•

The weather outside is frightful, but planning your garden is so delightful!
And since there’s no place to go, dream of what to grow, what to grow, what to grow!
Now is your chance to let your imagination run wild and create plans for that garden of Eden you’ve always wanted.

Ben walks us through his vegetable garden as he shares his hopes and dreams for the coming growing season. Our trusty online Garden Planner is now iPad compatible; Ben demonstrates how you can take it around the garden to visualise your plans and bring them into being! Time to get inspired!

For our video on growing soft fruit from cuttings, see:

And for our video on growing in straw bales, see:

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

To receive more gardening videos subscribe to our channel here:…

If you’ve noticed any pests or beneficial insects in your garden lately please report them to us at


  1. Could someone please let me know what the online planet is called as I would love to try it

  2. Raised beds are really good for growing more hardy crops in the far north and I grow tender plants under cover. The Garden Planner is excellent for keeping track of what goes where from one year to the next and the videos are very helpful and informative. Thank you very much!

  3. We are buying our dream farm this year!! I can’t wait to plan and plant a huge garden. We’ve been practicing with so many hardships and limitations and we’ve learned so much about successfully growing food in poor conditions, we are excited to finally get to practice our hard-earned skills in a more ideal environment. May God bless everyone’s 2022 gardens!

  4. omg that bean arch is the best idea! im so going to be getting one of those for mine, i never thought of that! youve given so many great tips for gardening more than just my usual decorative vines and flowers, im really glad i found your channel!

  5. Your dog wanting those tomatoes on the counter πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ I feel your pain, dog 🐢…lol. β€οΈπŸ…β€οΈ

  6. Regarding Jerusalem Artichokes, consider growing those in pots. They are VERY aggressive, and will take over your entire yard if they can. Tasty, though.

  7. I’m so excited to start my veg garden this year. I’ve already started several seeds indoors and many to start over the next several months here in So. Cal. I’m using all grow bags because of our rental home rules. I’m learning the grow veg garden planner and journal and think it will help as it is super easy to learn & use even for me a technical novice. Thank you for sharing everything that you are giving to all of us with your YouTube channel, book and planner/journal.
    You’re awesome!

  8. Hi, a very elementary issue help needed please. I agree with you that companion planting is a great idea but how do I plant nasturtiums, marigolds etc in a green house. I tend to use growbags for tomatoes so last year I planted marigolds in several 3" pots and put them on the top narrow shelf. The roots grew prolifically and the plants stopped flowering quite quickly. They seemed to take up a lot of water and almost needed the same attention as the tomatoes, aubergines, peppers and basil!
    I love your videos – they motivate me to get going. Thankyou

  9. I love the idea of companion plants and included marigolds around my tomatoes (as well as basil). The tomatoes were fine but unfortunately the marigolds were sacrificed to the bugs and never made it to mature plants. Any ideas what might have been chewing on them? I live in northern Virginia, USA.

  10. I live at a high altitude in Colorado 7800 feet that is also quite arid. I'm hoping to learn some ways to cope with these conditions

  11. This is great but I feel like the computer program does the work for you and you don’t actually learn anything about companion planting.

  12. The garden planner is super helpful! Thanks for the detail regarding sunlight and plant orientation in your garden, Ben!

  13. As a young gardener my plan this year is to install a second greenhouse with the help of my brother and Dad. Last year I added a peach tree and nectarine and I found it done better than expected (we live in Scotland). So I would like a second greenhouse so I can grow my tomatoes/peppers etc and keep my original greenhouse for my fruit trees that need more warmth and space. I would also like to try peranial Kale in the garden and add more wildflowers πŸ™‚ πŸ˜ƒ

  14. An interesting update to the planner would be the function of adding your average PIR levels at each box location, that way you know not to place your high light loving plants in boxes that are blocked or diffuse.

  15. Hi Ben, did you create your garden planner yourself on your iPad, or is there a basic programming app or whatever to start.?

  16. I can’t believe you’re growing/planning without snow already! We live in Vermont & we haven’t had access to anything live since November lol. We’ve got another few months before we can even consider planting or growing anything – so for now, I’ll just watch you!

  17. You can also try to grow climbing beans in one bed with the sweatcorn. This saves space and i belueve these crops go well togheter

  18. First year growing this year. My plans are to have three growing areas maybe even a forth as I am really liking the idea of having a wider variety of greens for salads as well as having onion, bell pepper and garlic from garden rather than the store.

  19. Is there another name for pallet collars? I'm not able to find any near me (per Google search). I'm not sure if I should search for something else or if there's a particular type of business that usually has them that I should call. From where do you find yours?

  20. Hi Ben, I have been gardening for many years and have thought a couple of times of using a garden planner. I have seen you demonstrate one a couple of times. What is it and does it run on an Android device?? Probably better on a tablet than to bring my laptop out…

    Thanks and thanks for all the great videos!


  21. I get leaves but no fruit in my raised bed. I used garden soil, black kow, liquafeed. once a week! Hellllp!

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