Front Yard Garden

Surprise Mow Gone Wrong!

The surprise cleanup did not go as planned. A lady called and asked if I can help her surprise the gentleman that lives in this property with a yard cleanup of his backyard (front yard wasn’t bad). He’s been in the hospital for sometime, no one was maintaining the yard and he’s coming home Wednesday, the day after this cleanup (recording). I did not expect anyone that day but the the homeowner came home for a visit before the day he was supposed to be released from hospital.

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  1. The "nurses" would actually be occupational therapists making sure he could operate in his home environment safely. As a therapy assistant its part of my job to assist with that sort of thing and loan any equipment (shower chairs, walkers etc) that he may require

  2. I’m sure the gentleman will be happy knowing his garden is taken care of . Best wishes and get well soon 💕

  3. Really sharp job!!! It now blends in together shorter, well-trimmed with smooth edges, leaf to leaf, flowing sharply to branch. WoW!! Loved this cut!!!🌳🐿

  4. So beautiful! The owner is going to love it! He only saw a smidgeon of the cleanup so he will be surprised with the new yard.

  5. Tip voorq een volgende keer; alsje de toeschouwer echt iets wilt laten zien,zoals snoeien,haal dan de camera wat dichterbij en zoom in op het onderwerp. Deze keer zagen we niet wat je deed helaas

  6. Beautiful result but I’ve never heard of 2 nurses bringing home a patient and then returning him back to the hospital. Things must be quite different where you are

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