Container Gardening

Apple Tree Rescue Mission – Plus Growth Diagnosis || Black Gumbo

I have acquired some apple trees in containers. These are two-and-a-half-year-old bare root trees in different states of growth and conditions. Can we grow them in containers at all? Join me in this video and we’ll take a look at five different apple trees and discuss what needs to be done to recover them and to ensure that they grow.

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Black Gumbo shares our suburban, backyard, sustainable gardening efforts. We work a small-scale teaching garden, much like the typical Zone 9a backyard garden and raised beds, the kind of gardening accessible to all. We tend to take the slice of life approach and hope you will enjoy our family, our dog, our cooking, our adventures, and occasionally some commentary and advice. We love family, joy and friendship, and we invite you to enjoy these things with us!

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  1. Fantastic channel here Scott. You are an inspiration to my new channel. Lets hope those apple trees flourish👊 Damien from Ireland

  2. This is a great follow up to your previous video! It's one thing to see your success but I relate to the failures much more.

    Btw, this would make a fantastic on-going series. My soil makes hole planting very tough for fruit trees and this is so informative

  3. Those look really expensive! The half-barrel, the potting soil and I never heard of any the varieties but I hope the King David pulls through for you! I'd love some nectarines. 😍😍

    You could probably get fruit if you thin to a few per tree!

  4. save yourself the major headache, place them in the ground. you maybe able to grow them in pots but fruiting is another story. you will have to keep the trees healthy for years remember. that is much easier to do in the ground. one lapse in proper care and your apple season is over in the pots. its just not worth the investment in your time to keep them in pots. is it possible, maybe? whats more important? i grew apples and plums in pots a few years. i had them shaped perfectly. never fruited, it would drop the pollinated flowers. once they went into the ground all the shaping i did wasn't right for in ground production. you are in a way more difficult climate than me. thats just my take.

  5. Nice trees I don't know if they will grow. SC upstate always put in ground. You got as hot as wee did this year. Mine in the ground didn't produce much. Up the road in NC they had a great season. God bless 🙏❤️

  6. Hi Scott, I know you have a lemon tree, have you done a video on the phases the tree goes through before it gives fruit? I bought my dad a variegated eureka and a meyers lemon trees for Father’s Day. Eureka hasn’t done anything, but the Meyers put out “black berries” that just rotted and fell off. He’s fertilized and added bone meal, not sure what else to do. If you haven’t done a video, could you please? Thanks.

  7. Hi Scott. Just a thought. Maybe there may be someone on your channel close by that may need trees to replace the ones that may have frozen from the last freeze and donate to them? Have a great night.

  8. Hi Scott I'm glad you mentioned the use of the fertilizer great tip thanks for an informed video

  9. THANKS SCOTT, Gods perfect timing. Just at a time when you need a different project to keep your interest. He gives you an "impossible" task. (Philippians 4:13) . Even when it gets toooooo hot to go into the garden next year. You will be forced to in order to keep His trees alive. 😄Yes you will get apples from your trees. By the way. I miss not seeing your son. — Ya I know– He is a teenager now and doesn't hang with Dad as much. (What a bummer). Ray Delbury Sussex County N J USA

  10. Quite the challenge there! If that were my project, I would keep one in a pot (as an experiment, the vase shaped one seems like a good candidate) and plant the rest of them in the ground. It would be a shame if they could never produce because apples need more root space! Then you could use those nice planters to upsize the pots on some of your figs! Plenty to ponder here, good fruit/bad fruit ( which would be no fruit) stewardship… faith. Thanks for the morning lesson!

  11. I am thinking of doing a single seed challenge, its spring here in Adelaide South Australia, so I thought this is the best season to start, not sure yet what seed, thinking might just go with a chilli. also I saw on another channel someone in the uk has a greenhouse like what I have and he has hanging baskets in his greenhouse so I have done the same, so got little small cocktail tomatoes in them, yellow and red ones, I am also trying this year to grow a cucumber in a hanging basket, so far they have just starting to sprout I took a photo will try and post it here, for you all to seee.

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