Vegetable Gardening

9 Lessons From New Permaculture Vegetable Gardens

9 Lessons from new permaculture vegetable gardens. Huw Richards and Liz Zorab share gardening tips and ideas from their experiences in new gardens this year.
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0:00 Introduction
0:27 How soon to start a new garden
2:59 Water sources
3:48 Pests in a new garden
5:38 Bring wildlife into the garden
7:40 Plant in good time
9:09 Different approaches to gardening
9:46 Perennial herb garden
10:46 Growing on a slope

About Us.
Byther Farm is a small organic homestead, being designed and managed using permaculture practices. We aim for self-sufficiency in fruit and vegetables for increased self reliance and better resilience to the modern world. I recognise that we are unlikely to be truly self sufficient, but do the best we can. I share our home with my loving husband, Mr J and our cat, Monty.
We are a fifty-something couple who live on a smallholding in Carmarthenshire, Wales. We are going green and creating a gentler, cleaner and more healthy life for our family.
Having had a highly successful smallholding in Monmouthshire, we hope to recreate the abundance at our new home. There will be a large organic kitchen garden with no dig gardening raised beds and young food forest in which to grown our fruit and vegetables.
We keep a few sheep and Aylesbury ducks.

‘Breathe’ by Kafkadiva.
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  1. Lol, at almost 68 years old and only last August moved from the city to the country, I definitely feel pressure to start right away! I'm planning on digging up and moving my asparagus bed because who knows if I'll be around when a brand new bed would begin producing? Maybe I'm morbid, but I want to hedge my bets. I couldn't start a regular garden either because the yellowjackets were so numerous you could hardly move out the door for fear of attack. So right now everything is in containers which I could plant indoors and carry out at night. I've never been so glad for fall season! Never been so overjoyed to see frost!

  2. My TWO most favourite gardeners on YOUTUBE!!! You both give great tips and solid gardening advice/instruction for us. THANK YOU BOTH!!!
    What is your secret to all those gorgeous cosmos dancing in the breeze?

  3. I love you two in combination and in dialogue. Inspirering and motivating amd allways something new to learn!

  4. Liz, I am thinking of converting my 100’x100’ food forest to an ornamental garden or at least evolving into one. Can you make a video on any guidance you may have? I only have two mouths to feed, hate rodents and wish to do less (harvesting, washing, cooking and preserving, etc.)

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