Gardening Supplies

Survival Gardening. Prepare now, self sustainability garden

Survival Gardening. Prepare now, self sustainability. get food now, don’t stop prepping. stockpile supplies. food crisis 2022 garden


  1. So….many….things, happening at once. Choices of sun and shade sound good. Yeah, its time for some more tomatoes. The others are playing out. Glad you figured out the potassium defiency. That was concerning. I hope the neighbors get garden envy ftom all their rubbernecking and go start their own gardens. Yeah, you got your ears lowered I see. Looks good. Hope your day is awesome.

  2. You have a beautifully lush garden. Thanks for the tips. Didn't know we could seed tomato plants directly into the ground here. I have a 4' X 25' long area that's ready for planting so I might start some tomatoes.

  3. I made a decision today to concentrate on things that lean to self reliance. In order for me, personally, to do that? I will have to throw away all the junk I've collected the 20 years I've lived in my house. So early tomorrow I'm pulling my utility trailer to the front door. And I'm gonna go room to room. And throw out everything not focused on that. Thats all that matters. My early list? Twin bed, dresser mirror, mower batteries, file cabinet, end tables, paint, old waterhoses, lawn chairs, suitcases, purses, clothes that dont fit, vhs players, vhs tapes, jello molds, christmas tree & ornaments, ice chests, decor pillows, hummingbird feeders, purple martin houses, broken lawnmower. Thats a good start. I'm only 1 person in a 3 bedroom house. I don't need all this junk.

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