
Survival Prepping Garden Tips To Start Seedlings DIY 2020

Survival Prepping Garden Tips To Start Seedlings DIY 2020

Here i want to share a way that i can save yourself a few buck’$ during this economy collapses. Tips on how i Start Seedlings. What i use and how i prepare my Survival Prepping Garden. When SHTF that’s why growing your own food is must. Stay. Preparedness is a must in this Apocalyptic World. My channel is based on just more then one topic so if you are interested consider subscribing. I welcome you.


  1. I got seeds planted inside. Too cold for a month to plant outside. First garden in years. Thank you for the video, Justin and Jana. Stay safe

  2. OMG! This is exactly what I did last weekend! I "planted" about 20 Dixie cups outside in a cardboard box top tray…tomatoes, radishes, onions, carrots, etc. and yesterday I had three of the Dixie cups already sprouting! I leave them out in the sun all day, and cover the tray with an old towel at night.

  3. I didn't punch any holes in the cup bottoms. I plan on just cutting out a small section of the bottom with my Kershaw, and then put the whole thing into the ground. The cut out section on the bottom should let the plant roots push through.

  4. It's getting close here in Minnesota. We have a short growing season. Stay safe out there.

  5. Great tips Justin , i know you always have a awesome garden every year !
    hope all is well and tell Jana i sais hi
    atb john

  6. I'm so excited i can't wait to see what this yrs Garden looks like and the harvest that will come outta it

  7. It is still a little bit too cold for us to start planting yet. Last night it got down to around 24° and we got snow yet again. Thanks for sharing brother.

  8. Looking good Justin. Rhonda ordered a bunch of stuff to start flowers before all this stuff hit. LOL I told her that that had to be on hold. Thank you for the tips.

  9. Awesome video Justin. This is the first year that I’m going to try and grow tomatoes from seed. I’ve always bought plants. You provided some great tips and info for me to try this. Thanks for sharing. Tony.

  10. I bought the same potting mix! Good job on the seeding. That's a lot of corn! I seeded corn 3 times and only got 6 to grow. I have a notch in mine, and I draw a grid on paper.

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