Japanese Garden

Japanese Maple Bonsai From Seed Jul-Nov 2022

#bonsai #bonsaitree #bonsaigrowing
A timey wimey catch up with this Japanese Maple grown from seed in around 2015/2016 ish.
Previously this was part of a playlist that covered 5 Japanese Maples
but is now branching out on it’s own in a new playlist

Playlist for this series can be found at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI0f2VfjK4Ct8WQrEYUeZ9pETm3hos09j

Previous playlist is here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI0f2VfjK4CvH5beaSDGSQY7i-kggZ1_e

Don’t forget to subscribe and hit the notification Bell for regular uploads of bonsai goodness and updates on individual trees or groups of trees so you can follow their development.

Follow me on Twitter for bonsai trees, updates and more @paveysid and on Instagram Paveysid


  1. Potatoes that’s a new one on me Sid but if it works to seal the sap from flowing great. Nice tree from seed still some leaves on it, strange my maples have all lost their leaves in November except my Forrest planting which is in full leaf with some new ones showing. Poor Cooper hope he can enjoy whatever time he has left.

  2. I'm a bit further North of you in Scotland. I have a seed maple which always gives an amazing green to red change of colour, usually mid October. It only happened 5 days ago, so maybe with a more southerly aspect, you might still get a couple of leaves which still turn!!

  3. My maples have suffered this year… fingers crossed for the winter for your tree as well as my own!

  4. Wow copper does not want to be on camera does he.
    The tree looks great and probably because of the heat that you had is what prevents it from the bright Redz you are looking for.
    Still a beautiful tree and you have kept it small and healthy. Looking forward to seeing the next video till then good luck stay well and give cooper a Pat on the head.❤

  5. Great tree there Sid, and nice seeing Cooper again. That's bonsai, we work on it, plan on it and looking forward in the future. Thanks again for sharing mate, I'll be happy to see that tree next season. Stay healthy and same with Cooper too.

  6. You really got great growth despite your hot summer. Autumn colours are always so weird. I usually get best show with some light frost – not as pretty when our winter rains come early. The loss of leave do give a sneak preview to the lovely trunk development tho. Next spring's prune will be very interesting. Sure would love to give Cooper a big old hug – could you do it for me Sid please?

  7. Great maple, a lot of my trees have been a bit weird this autumn. I have several beeches that have browned off for the winter and one just going yellow now (some leaves still green). Lovely to see Cooper again.

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