Vegetable Gardening

Indoor vegetable GARDEN – Growing Organic Food at Home

Growing an indoor organic vegetable garden with new led grow lights.

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  1. why cook them when you can juice them and get all the nutrition from it and use the pulp for fertilizer 😉

  2. I do both lol. legal here in Washington, George Washington grew pot, why shouldn't everyone be able too?supposedly we live in land of the free, 🙂

  3. You lost me the moment you started to SHOVEL your food into your gob(disgusting) learn some manners.

  4. Are the LED strips you use quiet? That's one thing I don't like about the fluorescents is that the ballasts are noisy….

  5. Why don't you grow something more interesting like peppers, chills, cucumbers and melons things with fruits on rather than just greens and tomatoes.

  6. 10 comments about weed on a vegetable garden video. How sad!! This is the world I'm leaving my kids in. Smh

  7. Well that's all well and good but in Australia we have sun.
    What's with your American obsession with basements.!?
    What fertilizer do y'all use.?

  8. Good deal dad but I am so embarrassed by your sons behavior. It's not just him, and it's not your fault, but it seems many people that age are just over the top as if it is funny or "cool" somehow. Were I you … I would save that video and show it to his children when they turn around twelve years old. I would show it to any prospective fiancee too. She should know what she is getting into.

  9. Where did you get your LED lights from and can other vegetables like carrots, beets. mushrooms and potatoes be grown this way?

  10. Growing indoors is where it is at, my wife says that I think I am feeding an army as I get so much. And today I start expanding. I have 30 trays growing now, but I love to grow. I put worms in my trays and use soil, it solves all the mold problems. Plus, I get worms for fishing 😉

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