Japanese Garden

Japanese Peaceful Temple – Zen Garden with Japanese Flute Music – Meditation Music, Relaxing Music

Japanese Peaceful Temple – Zen Garden with Japanese Flute Music – Meditation Music, Relaxing Music


► Ambient With Flute is a Japanese-style channel where you can find the most diverse and rich Japanese landscapes with the aim of bringing moments of peace, relaxation and tranquility.
Did you know that you can use these music to combat distraction, increase work performance, study or use them as a method to support sleep, relaxation, etc.

► Here music helps ease the mind.
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🎧 Press 🔔 to enjoy relaxing music
🎧 Music provided by Ambient With Flute

🎨 Artwork by Ambient With Flute

➤All rights belong to their respective owners. If any owner of track/background used in this mix is unhappy,please do not report us,take your time to contact us via mail .
➤✉ ♦ ilnarshabanov@gmail.com ♦ ✉
We will provide you proper credits or remove the video if you demand.



– Ambient With Flute –


  1. Ambient Japanese Flute back again with another Relexing & calming music, wish not only helps me go to sleep peacefully but also helps me with my studies and I appreciate you uploading these relaxing calming music that also help me with my stress, thank you 😇

  2. 1 John 1
    5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
    6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:
    7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

  3. Merci, j'adore votre chaîne, musique magnifique, évasion, relaxation dans un monde loin de toute cette violence où le temps s'arrête 🧘🥰😇🙏

  4. One day, my song 'Mess' will help millions of people struggling with mental health. Manifesting it into reality <3

  5. This music makes you feel like you're in one of those perfect life movies, except it's your life for a brief moment, as you just sit, smile, and sip coffee, and just imagine, not even imagine, but just be presently in contentment.

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