Gardening Trends

What Life Will Look Like for the Average Global Citizen in 2023

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So many events happening globally that it is scattered noise, but we can make out trends if look at what is being pushed as the next thing that society will experience. Inbound will be crop shortages across the planet with never ending prices rises that will lead to digital rationing cards, thats the easy low hanging fruit.

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  1. How could somebody own the water that comes from the earth that is a given right to Humanity these m********** will sell anything won't they

  2. I watched a portion of gates talk about africa and all I could think is that they went from having slaves on their American farms to moving their farms to Africa and treating them like slaves in their own country….nothings changed

  3. W H O are they to tell us what to do. NO ONE should be able to own more than they can use. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH THESE IDI OTS need to croak. All these old farts are evil. We will have to take showers in the rain. Our Gov erment is so corrupt they should not be letting corrupt corpo rations run the country and buy everything up. That's ridiculous !!!!!

  4. "Have no way to fight back" are you fucking kidding me. Collect all the rain eater you want if someone tries to stop you 2A. You think people are going to starve and or go without water because they are too scared to fight back.

  5. 😆🤣😂 SHERMAN ANTITRUST ACT. Sounds like a monopolization of a God given right to life and water is being infringed upon. Think 🤔about it.

  6. 'the humanity bureau' on prime now ' WOW' 2018 film with Nickolas Cage- the future that is coming!

  7. A cooler dryer planet does not go well for humans. When the glaciers melted it was wetter. As glaciers form it was dryer. Gotta cool the planet. How's that going? A cooler dryer planet while northern hemisphere near polar pole floods. Same in the southern hemisphere. Why are the storms going to the poles. That's how glaciers grow. And hoe the Mississippi goes dry. As glaciers grow so do deserts. That's a cooling planet. Nobody ever mentioned during glaciation about how the deserts grow too. La Nina the global cooling pattern. Look at what La Nina does to Africa. Those grow zones ain't coming back unless it rains. Bread baskets move.

  8. Glacial areas the rivers mostly run north. And run south in Southern hemisphere. Global warming models are not just wrong but completely wrong. They never predicted La Nina or cooling eastern Pacific. 8 billion people and the planet looks like we will go into a cooling cycle. Is it the end of the inter glacial warming period. Or just another cooling period like we have seen happen a few times last 10000 years. Move to where the grapes and oils grow. If we keep having La Nina's it will not go good. When the forest and game are gone people must farm. When the soil gives out people will eat bugs. Guess whats happening. Lettuce grows as soon as the grass does. Get those cold weather crops dialed in.

  9. TBoone Pickens sold most of his oil interests at the end of the 90s and bought one of the southwests largest aquafirs under west Texas. Reason? He stated water will be the future gold.

  10. Why do you think lakes are down? They are re directing it to their Aquafirs. Look at all the massive tunneling projects in the last 20 years.

  11. Government is all the problems in the world 🌎! Keep voting for the same system America! When is enough enough?🤔🤔🤔🤔

  12. They add a ‘well water fee’ to the property taxes for useage as of 2021 if you own a private well on ur property. You can own the water rights but they still add a “fee”
    to your prop taxes -if u don’t pay your prop taxes you lose ur property… what happens when they raise the fees to 5000. a month? this is happening in Sonoma County ca……

  13. Government is all the problems in the world 🌎! Keep voting for the same system America! When is enough enough?🤔🤔🤔🤔

  14. I believe more will begin growing food and becoming more self sufficient. Neighbors will begin to come together and form pseudo tribes.
    We all need to start growing more food, and being able to provide all the inputs necessary on site. I have started a YT channel showing how to do that with little to no money. God bless.

  15. the only thing these scumbags own is that which we let them. All we need to do is say NO and thats the end of their control. Wake TF up!

  16. Here in middle Tn I use tunnels to grow and harvest year round. Including lettuce👨🏻‍🌾😎

  17. Imagine a world where you have to ask Michael Bloomberg if you can have a bit of water for your bi monthly bath? Or celebrate Tuesdays because it is SOYLENT GREEN DAY!!!!!! HAPPY SOYENT GREEN DAY………………..Nothing beats eating your grandma for Tuesday Dinner!

  18. Sorry to find myself unsurprised at your assessments of the intentions of the Elites. Why should we expect them to behave differently than always?
    There are legal precedents – many UNYET challenged – for these blatantly over-reaching governmental actions that are clearly abusive and repressive.
    Some of the are local, municipal, county, state, or AGENCY regulations. Doesn't mean they would stand Strict Constitutional Scrutiny.
    US Constitution does not mention Water Rights, which seems to place that issue and several others PLAINLY within the Un-enumerated powers reserved to the Several States and the People. The problem is increasingly that our own government no longer acknowledges the sacred supremacy of the Constitution, nor the outcries of the people to invoke that document.
    But it is exhausting to have to fight this creeping CANCEROUS Tyranny in nibbles and cuts. The Tyrants' strategy is to demoralize, weaken, impoverish, entangle, and smother the population, so as to guarantee they will be too weak to resist the corralling and muzzling and — who knows? — the labor camps and barracks of the future.

  19. [Third & final post here, and out]
    In many armed conflicts AND civil disorders of the past, captured hostile communities are governed under "Proclamations of Martial Law," terms of which have often imposed immediate death penalty for hoarding food, and certainly for ANY theft, looting, robbery. The soldiers may enter homes and businesses to conduct searches, confiscate property, valuables, stored food, alcohol, medicines, weapons. They have the guns, so they generally are not limited to published LISTS of contraband.
    People found hoarding, especially DESIGNATED items on the published lists, can be sentenced to immediate death by hanging, "pour encourager les autres…" >>> To Encourage the Others… i.e., to intimidate people into submitting.

  20. Its back to the Lord of the Manor. Take wood from the forest and you will be hung. Lord of the Manor can choose any tenants' daughter. People will loose the right to have children.

  21. they are also passing edicts shutting down suction device gold mining. totally unconstitutional, fictional "law" backed only by the guns of highly paid, soon to be starving but heavily armed "officers" and their khazarian mafia courts operating as "privateers" under treasonous british admiralty law. also known to those who endured 300-plus years of british imperialism as "pirate's law."

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