Vegetable Gardening

Making a greenhouse Compost Heater – Gardening ideas – vegetable gardening

Just a Shropshire Lad, doing a bit on the days when he can.

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  1. Hi Ross, hope your having a nice morning 😁
    I was just wondering about the size, I thought for a hot bin it needed to be bigger? I’m interested in seeing the results 😁

  2. I can't wait to try that (not sure if or how I can pee on it😂) love your videos but I don't think I'm getting notification ? Love to you an hour family xx

  3. I’m a subscriber from the US. Very good greenhouse compost idea. When you said you were going to turn the camera off to pee on it, I had to laugh. I thought you’d bring a recycled container with the fresh urine to pour it on the compost. I asked my spouse to pee in my compost. He said if I get arrested for being exposed outside I’ll tell the police, it was your hair brained idea.🤣

  4. I have subscribed! I have been thinking about doing something like this myself, but I’m really worried about attracting rats. We just have a domestic garden with a small greenhouse and we have had problems with rats in the past. So I guess this probably isn’t really a good idea for us! Sadly the insulated I would’ve free hot bins are just way beyond my reach. I would be interested to know though what you could substitute for the chicken poop as we don’t have chickens!

  5. I love the idea and I love making compost! If this doesn't heat up as much as you would hope, you may need to make it bigger. A minimum of 1 meter squared is recommended to get a pile good and warm. I'm looking forward to the updates.

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