Japanese Garden

My Ta Prohm Temple, Day 4, The Bonsai Zone, Nov 2022

It feels like the construction progress is going backwards today as I build my “Ta Prohm” temple for a root over temple Ficus planting.

To see previous videos of this project, click on the playlist here…



  1. This is a wild project Nigel! I would like to the the vertical lines carved into the cement to make it look like blocks up high above the face. I figure since it's soaking in water it would make it easier to go ahead and add those lines, but you can't use a long saw. I'm think a small jewelers file. Looking so cool though Nigel! I am loving it! This is a very exciting project!

  2. Thinking. Can you put 4 rods in the plate so that the rods extend about a 1/4 to 1/2 way up into the hollow temple? Snug against the inside of the top.This should stabilize the top from moving in case you have to carry it. Like putting your fingers on the inside of a cup. Cup does not move. Just a thought.

  3. Just placed a hold on a Brazilian Raintree. seeing your process and progress over the years through your catalog of videos is a pot full of valuable lessons and inspiration.. Thanks for the demonstrations and generosity. Everyday nature!

  4. Awesome show Nigel the Temple is a beauty since you had a whimsical accident with that one block you have now an opportunity to add whimsical to the design somehow. like a later repair that adds to the mysteriousness of the site.

  5. I guess that was plastiUNseen! Oh my goodness. That temple is going to be the talk of the town for some time to come!!

  6. That glass greenhouse sure has come in very handy, hasn't it? Seems to have been a project that was well worth your time last season. I'm amazed that you are having such warm temps up there. Here in s.e. Florida we've been unseasonably warm as well. Broken several records with daytime temps in the high 80's F. You have been making wonderful progress on the temple project. Love seeing your creativity in action. Well done!

  7. My favorite episodes are the ones where you are building models. Also you hair was particularly interesting in todays video. Thanks! 🙂

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