Container Gardening

Still Growing! The November Garden

Two days of rain! What a blessing! Let’s see how the garden held up.


  1. Your garden is amazing! We got our first official snow last night so things are officially at rest until the Spring on my farm. Good luck on the rest of your season. 💜

  2. Hey Tanya I KNOW your garden gulped all that good rain right up! The damage wasn't bad at all. I see a bountiful harvest in the near future. Nice to hang out with you in the garden today sis!😊💚

  3. So much for sunny California…
    You guys need the rain…a gentle rain would be nice…
    Omg.. you stuck inside for two days… Now that would be dangerous for all concerned..
    Bahaha….. 💦🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️you guys!!!! Who left the hose on!!
    I had to rip out all my peppers inside 😭 white fly infestation… Grrrr.. could take the chance of them spreading to house plants.. picked all my peppers and froze them…

    Garden looks great..

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