Gardening Supplies

The LAST DIY Raised Bed Soil Mix Recipe You Will Ever Need

John from shares with you his raised bed soil mix that has been 12 years in the making. You will learn about the best ingredients you should use when making a raised bed soil blend. You will learn John’s specific ratios that he likes to use, as well as all the different kinds of ingredients you can source to make the best-raised bed mix for vegetable gardens.

In this episode, you will learn John’s super soil recipe mix for raised bed vegetable gardening. You will learn about all the different ingredients he uses, and why each of them is important. You will discover some of the different categories of amendments you should use and the options you have for each item.

You will discover why the quality of the specific ingredients is important as well as how to source many of the ingredients locally.

You will learn the importance of the different components of John’s super vegetable garden soil mix including organic matter, trace minerals, microbial inputs, carbon, water holding, topsoil, water draining, and much, much more.

You will discover the specific organic ingredients John is adding to his raised bed topping mix that he will use to top off his raised beds after the past growing season.

You will learn John’s thought process on formulating this raised bed mix.

Jump to the following parts of the Episode:
00:00 Episode Starts
00:54 Every Time I make a soil mix it is a bit different
01:35 I started with Mel’s Mix
02:23 Quality of Your Amendments Matter
03:45 Percentages of Each Component of Raised Bed Mix
05:01 Different Types of Ingredients of Mix
05:22 Why I don’t recommend ordering these online
06:45 35% Organic Matter Component. What Kind?
08:30 Why I don’t recommend using manure
09:40 10% Trace Minerals Component. Essential and Types
11:50 5% Carbon Component and Types
14:00 20% Microbial Component and Types
17:33 10% Water holding capacity Component and Types
18:58 10% Drainage Component and Types
19:58 10% Topsoil Component
20:54 Mixing up my soil mix by hand
21:20 Do I use these exact ratios every single time?

After watching this episode, you will learn John’s DIY Raised Bed Soil Mix recipe and how you can use some of the best amendments to add to your soil blend so you can grow the most disease-resistant and fastest-growing vegetables in your organic veggie garden.

Referenced/Related Episodes:
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  1. Most of that stuff isn't necessary, but could increase the chances of a successful garden. The key is just a diversity of inputs. And don't forget, the original mineral components in your dirt have a great deal of nutritients to offer your plants, it IS rock dust.

  2. Hey John! All your work has been such an enormous blessing to all of us over the years. Keep up the amazing work brother. Many thanks and blessings to you and all yours.

  3. One question, I assume when you're mixing you measure by volume not by weight?

  4. I live in WA State…I watched your Biochar vid with your friend….I made my own and let it cure for a couple months….We had a wet, cold June this last year…. Gave me more cure time…..I was late getting the garden in….In Pots……There is a business called Black Lake Organic….,and they hooked me up with Myko and fertilizers…..The owner of BLO is a retired biologist and makes some Bard arse fert. I bought some…It is Myko enhanced…. Once I planted, My growth was phenomenal…Sprouting was only a few days…..All summer, my veggies were so healthy, I never needed any neem or bug killer. The strawberries were daily additions to breakfast…Lots of them from a 1.5 foot x 3 feet area….They grew like crazy, and ripened fast….And sweet! I have never had such huge production of certain veggies…..But my squash had failure from lack of bees….I got some squishies, but had to do the manual pollination thing…..Next year, I will plant things to bring in bees.. Maybe get myself some Mason Bees….But the Biochar and fungal made it happen…Thanks…Biochar….infused with Myko….Kinda like the heavens open wide, in brilliant light, and you can see and hear tens of thousands of Angels singing together in perfect harmony!!!! Of course with a bit of heavy metal guitar lead and steady rhythm guitar interaction, and meaty bass to back it up, as the drummer goes nuts on the skins……It rocked!

  5. I am thinking Biochar…..Even big ol chunks, then any humus you can get….Get the Mykos rolling in the mix….Cure it out…add lots of natural humus maker….Your info made last years garden killer….

  6. If you find good compost and can afford it then full stop you don't really need anything else unless you're a fanatic.
    I made a raised bed this year out of charged biochar 20-30% by volume applied 2 feet deep mixed with native hard clay soil. The bed is 3 feet wide and like 9 feet long, took like 10-15 wheelbarrows of biochar. No compost, no worm castings, no nothing. The greens grow lush and great, almost like in pure compost except that I won't ever have to amend the raised bed cause biochar doesn't decompose.

  7. Adopt a couple Timothy hay devouring rescue bunnies if you are serious about diy compost. Ours are potty trained and free roam in the living room. Adorable and productive, win win.

  8. How do you define fungal compost and bacterial compost? can you make them at home? are they different from household vegetal compost (half or more greens, half or less vegetable and fruit waste + eggshells and so on)? peace!

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