Gardening Supplies

Construction Update & I Need Your Ideas | Gardening with Creekside

We are sharing a construction update on the new multi-purpose building at production as the fellas got the roof on this week! Also, I need your ideas on how to incorporate the perennials and shrubs that I have into future garden projects – hit me up with your best ideas!

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Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034


  1. Is there enough sun for monarda around your pond? It would be so beautiful and very natural fit. 🥰🌿🪻🌺

  2. Good morning, Jenny ☕️Production is looking awesome 👏🏻👏🏻 The concrete will tie it together nicely. So happy for y’all. I don’t know how you choose from all those gorgeous plants. How fun! Have a Blessed Day 😊🐶

  3. I have a small dog a Shih Tzu poodle mix and she absolutely loves the snow. She loves being outside year round although rain is not her favorite. We got several inches of snow just recently and she does what we call zoomies in the snow, she runs pell mel kicking up snow as she goes and it is hilarious to watch her. We also have her mother and father and while her dad loves being outside he doesn’t like the snow much and mom I think she hates it. When we let them outside to go potty it’s in and out for both of them. Anyway Brenna who loves to be outside just reminded me of our dog Snickers and her love for the outside. 🍁🍁🦃💚🙃 Sorry I just get chatty sometimes, I’m sure you don’t care about my little Snickers, but I do love Brenna, she reminds me of the German shepherd we had many years ago. 🍁🍂🍁🦃💚🙃

  4. Hello Jenny
    You have found some beautiful specimens and I think the sedums and echinaceas would look gorgeous with the Russian sages.
    You have chosen a lot of pink though and I think you need more blue and white. What about nepeta sp. nepeta and salvia cristal blue and may night😊

  5. You sound like me, I am constantly second guessing myself on flower and shrub placement. I read all the information as to sun, height, and water needs…but nothing beats looking at a full flowering plant in the late summer amid it's neighbors and getting out the shovel if I chose wrong! LOL

  6. I know that the rafters looks great but if you do the potting machine in that part of the building will the dust from the potting soil travel up to the rafters and cause some issues in the future. Love everything that both of you do.

  7. Idk. If you haven't already, I would definitely incorporate some red & yellow twig dogwoods. They provide so much winter interest. And with the full sun, they should color up beautifully.

  8. Be grateful you left Illinois! Right now, in my area, it is 18° with feels like temp of 3°! Putting up indoor decorations today!

  9. Jenny,
    A Black Lace elderberry will contrast perfectly w/ the Lemony Lace. Plus, there will be the added advantage of increased berry production by their cross pollination.
    Also, what about planting something scented near the fence entrance–my fav gardenia, Diamond Spire, comes to mind. That way, the scent can tease people as they pass thru. 😊

  10. Jenny,
    Beautyberry–Pearl Glam one of my favs–would be great, plus provide food for the birds during the winter months.
    Additionally, blueberries have 3-season interest w/ beautiful emergent spring foliage, tons of flowers for the pollinators, fruit for the birds, & absolutely stunning fall foliage. 😊

  11. Color in waves or dispersed in clumps. Plant tall in the back shorter plants in the front. We are too cold here in zone 5b to plant anymore this season. Have fun planting 👍☃️🌱

  12. A dream come true and beautiful space. Every step brings you closer to what you envisioned. We, as watchers, may not know your complete joy, but we are certainly enjoying every step. Hope you get the machine and can’t wait to see the floor go down. Also, can’t wait to order something from you!!! Can just hear you apologizing for a delay because of all of your orders! What a dilemma, huh?

  13. I suggest planting the mock orange where you’ll walk or drive by often so you can enjoy the scent. With their white blooms, I think they’d be stunning in front of the new fence ir in front of a shady backdrop (maybe on the other side of driveway if it’s too exposed elsewhere). Maybe try with the pinpoint cypress.

    I think the microchip pink buddleia and the rockin round (white) sedum would look beautiful with the Russian Sage as a backdrop (similar situation/care needs too…like: none!)

    The monarda would really pop in front of your North Pole arbs, as would the azalea

    First thought on Anemones: in front of the purple lorapetulum. Sweet contrast of color/texture/movement

  14. Jenny,
    The lavender you planted up @ the house-was it Scentamazing?- would look great & probably love the conditions on the berm. 😊

  15. This is Funny Laura's cat 🐈 Russell follows Her everywhere see him on camera ….Your Dog is on camera as well .🐕…. Star Pets 💘 🌟 🤩
    Loving all Plants 🪴

  16. I have old timey mock orange shrubs in my yard and I live in eastern NC. I love when they bloom, the smell is great! I think your mock orange shrubs would look great planted in the edge of the tree line next to the creek.

  17. I would put all the plants you want to plant in the berm together in the berm and shift them around until you find the perfect spot for all of them.

  18. I think azaleas in front of the butterfly bushes would be a nice grouping to include in the berm. I really like the contrast of the purple and pink.

  19. Looking good, Jerry did a great job on the drone. Thanks Jenny for your information and I think anything you do will be great.

  20. I would always go for the most colorful plants in whatever season, be that foliage or flowers. Monarda and sedum are two of my go to’s here in Williamsburg, VA. Planted Sugar Tip rose of Sharon , four of them, expecting flowers galore. Pink flowers against the dark fence would be beautiful. You will choose beautifully, we are all sure.

  21. My favorite spot in my yard is my smoke tree surrounded by the autumn joy sedum. Favorite cause I go through in the spring and tidy it all up and never do anything else the rest of the year. Best flower bed ever. Lol.

  22. Jenny,
    A drift of Midnight Mascarade or Huckster's Red penstemon would look lovely, plus have the added advantage of evergreen foliage in your 7B Zone. 😊

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