Garden Plans

The Curse of Oak Island: Season 10, Episode 1 Explained

The Curse of Oak Island: Season 10, Episode 1 Explained

A plot summary and analysis of the Season 10 premiere of ‘The Curse of Oak Island’, entitled ‘On Their Marks’.

The team plans to drill 50 new boreholes in the Money Pit area, by which they hope to determine the direction of the subterranean water flow. In the process, they find evidence of an underground tunnel which runs by the so-called “Garden Shaft”. Gary Drayton leads metal detecting operations on Lots 7 and 8, which yield several interesting artifacts dated to the 16th Century. And Gretchen Cornwall returns with interesting new information regarding the Knights Templar Theory.

0:00:00 – Introduction
0:01:26 – The War Room Meeting
0:04:53 – Borehole K15.5
0:07:04 – Borehole M16.25
0:09:17 – Borehole DM12.5
0:09:35 – Lot 8 Metal Detecting
0:11:03 – Lot 7 Metal Detecting
0:11:59 – Gold in the Water
0:12:54 – Gretchen Cornwall Returns

Thanks for watching! If you’d like to get your hands on some new Oak Island books, check out Jack MacNab and David Neisen’s books by following the link below:



  1. I would much rather watch this than the actual show. Always found Oak Island fascinating, got super board and over the show a long time ago. They just repeat the same things over and over again, it's beyond ridiculous. If they didn't repeat things the show would be like 7 minutes long I swear. My current theory on Oak Island is there probably was treasure there but it was moved, or found already. I think Samuel Ball found something. I can't quite remember now but I thought some old ladies had a treasure box said to be found by one of their family members there. I think that might have had treasure in it too.

  2. This mystery sandwich is turning into a 'Dugwood' sammich! I particularly like Oak Island chronicles! LIKE

  3. I've been watching the curse of oak island since it started. I've lost all hope there's any treasure.

  4. Your Oak Island videos are the reason I subscribe. Please keep up the great content and work. Thank you!

  5. Like your synopsis better than watching the "Misery of Oak Island." Those Lagena Bros have seemingly aged 50 years since starting this project and are no closer to finding the real treasure than the hordes before them. (Yeah… been watching since Season 1).

  6. you take great care and effort in your videos sir. You are a treasure Mr. Hammerson Peters

  7. It is a fascinating and seemingly bottomless topic. The modern explorers' efforts as recorded are unbearable to watch, lol. So these summaries are great

  8. I have felt the last three seasons that objects are used to string us along. By that I mean something found the year before is kept " to find" the next season. Too Rick's hair length changes when talking about a find. To be honest I feel the show could have finished two years ago. I enjoy your content Hammerson.

  9. fact. original owner of oak island "mysteriously wealthy" coloured person of the time "Highly Suspicious" FACT only Scraps have been found fairly willy nilly through the island despite repeated digs at the same hole.. .. it is my firm believe OAK island should be renamed to DEAD HORSE ISLAND.. dude found the treasure its been spend and dispersed.. what was and is found will be scraps.. i lobby some rich nova scotian to fly over the island and seed it with Etzone tokens and old Bridge tokens. to piss off the metal detector people. lol to keep the rouse going..

  10. I can't believe this is still on TV and that people apparently still watch it.

    Hate to spoil it, but they'll never find anything.

    Even if they truly did find something, do you really think they'd broadcast it on television?

    The answer is no.

  11. Whatever is buried there, wasn’t meant to ever see the light of day again. The Ark of the Covenant should be left alone or the world will pay.

  12. You are one of the best on YouTube Hammerson. I think you will hit a million subs one day and I hope you do. I love the way you talk about Canada. Would love to drive up some day to see it!

  13. Your videos are brilliant but if I hear the term ‘researchers’ one more time, from anyone in a video, well, the Go Postal shooting will look like a bunch of kids playing with water pistols… I know people need a succinct word to describe this foul bunch of unwashed, potato-chip-in-beard worstlings, but ‘researchers’ makes them sound almost credible. When they’re the least credible, believe-in-anything joypoles that a person could ever wish to meet. Not that you will meet them, because their ‘research’ consists entirely of consuming cheap pepperoni pizza in the dark in their mother’s basement/spare room, scrawling through internet cobblers’ with greasy fingers and even greasier hair. One would think that they react much as black witches do, when exposed to water. I’m all for people taking an interest, even a consuming one, just remember to shower and eat a salad every now and again. Fking researchers! Fat fking oafs, more like. I’m a chunker myself, but I runnyself through the shower at least twice a day. Which means I’m way ahead of any one of these ‘researchers’

  14. Merci, les gravures des Templiers je ne connaissais pas. Pour moi ils ont laissés ces gravure pour que le secret ne soit pas définitivement perdu. Ça en dit long, mais il faudrais des bonnes images. En rapport avec OI à 100%.

  15. I appreciate your reviews on the subject I’ve been interested in Oak island since before the show.

  16. Its a Load of Tosh …. The Pit they found was a Ships Mast repair Pit . Where they drop the Tree trunk in to .. To make a new Mask and fit its Iron Mast Collars… Its Hilarious that they haven’t even worked that out yet..

  17. I’m sorry but after how many seasons of this show now that you say you want to get to the bottom of this and you mean it I don’t actually believe it lol

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