Gardening Supplies

Wildcrafting + homestead gardening + going OFF GRID | Living in a one-room cabin in the woods!

If you like what I’m doing, please subscribe, comment and share to support my journey into OFF-GRID living.

I spent the majority of my adult life working up the courage to pursue a career in acting. I finally went for it and enjoyed several years of creativity, inspiration and making friends in the NYC filmmaker community. But everything changed after what I witnessed beginning March 2020. It wasn’t easy, but I followed my instincts and left it all behind to start a new chapter in the woods of northern Michigan. Now I’m living in a one-room cabin with no kitchen, no bathroom, and no running water. I have electricity, but I’m learning how to live without it so that in the worst case scenario, I’ll know how to get by. Being self-sufficient and non-reliant on public utilities are my biggest priorities at the moment. Perhaps you can relate and feel like you should sharpen a few preparedness skills. This is all new to me and I’m excited to share with you as I learn. While I’m incredibly happy to be heading in this new direction, it’s also quite a challenging time. To support me on this path, please like, subscribe, and leave a comment.

Thank you for watching!

Be safe out there!



You can also support my channel with a small donation here:

Your donation will help towards setting up my off-grid homestead. Thank you!

Another great way to support me on this new path is to shop with the links below. These are either affiliate links, or companies I work with and adore. I’ll only get credit if you use these links during your purchase. Thank you and feel free to reach out with questions!


NUTRACHAMPS – Elderberry Drops
(Use code KIMBERLYNC10 for 10% off your order)


SURTHRIVAL – Ethically Harvested Colostrum
Colostrum Powder Products




BERKEY WATER FILTERS – Removes fluoride, chlorine and 99.999% of bacteria and viruses
(I chose THE BIG BERKEY for a household of one)


MY PATRIOT SUPPLY – Survival Spring Personal Water Filter
Survival Spring Personal Water Filter by Alexapure


doTERRA Essential Oils – Get 25% off


Mukti Organic Hair and Skincare – use this link for $25 off your first order (and I will also get $25 off, it’s a win-win!)



  1. Thank you for sharing your journey! Looking forward to seeing what life has in store for you and how you become self-sustaining..
    What a challenge to take on and conquer.

  2. Thank you for sharing! Would love to hear more about the "bullying" you mentioned in due course. I think I know sort of what you mean but I'm not sure I understand. Anyway, look forward to more installments. 🙂

  3. Stay well Kim – it was wonderful to receive news from you. Life is an eternal flux, somebody said that a long time ago 🙂 Keep your heart sweet and new opportunities will come along. I will check your new videos to see how you are growing your greens. Good luck and go step by step. Kisses <3

  4. I'm so sad you were feeling unsafe, but glad you followed your heart to bring you joy! All the best to your new journey! If my travels bring me anywhere nearby I'll holler:) Happy trails!!!!

  5. I knew clover was good for building healthy soil, but I didn't know you could make bomb tea with it too! Can't wait to try this out.
    These are strange times indeed and it's good to see you following your gut. You're seeing the major faults in all the systems we've blindly relied on for so long, but rather than freaking out and blaming "the other side," you're being productive and constructive and getting back to the Earth. I'm really excited for you Kim. Good luck with the winter! Oh, and nice haul with the salad greens. They looked very much loved.

  6. So proud of you girl! What a huge step you took to leave a life you loved so deeply and trust your intuition & the universe to guide you to something better! So inspiring 💛

  7. Kim figured it out….just have to say good luck on your new journey I'm liking the way your thinking and to let you know you have a lot of support and looking forward to see were your adventure takes you

  8. thank you for your share
    if we live with good intention, all is well.
    wishing you a peaceful mind , a loving heart and a joyful spirit.

  9. I'm glad you are listening to your instincts and doing what you feel is right. I've always had the utmost respect for you and support you 🙂

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