Edible Gardening

Tasting Seedling Apples, Thanksgiving 2022

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Standard gear I recommend. I either use or have used all of it.

Council Tool Boys Axe: https://amzn.to/3z0muqI
Bahco Farmer’s File: https://amzn.to/3Hbdhij
King two sided sharpening stone: https://amzn.to/32EX1XC
Silky f180 saw: https://amzn.to/3yZzM71
ARS 10 foot long reach pruner: https://amzn.to/3esETmM
Victorinox grafting/floral knife: https://amzn.to/3Jki1E9
Wiebe 12” fleshing tool: https://amzn.to/3sB0qSl
Atlas Elbow Gloves: https://amzn.to/3FwB5g6

The Axe Book, by Dudley Cook: https://amzn.to/32kx7sN
Bushcraft, by Mors Kochanski: https://amzn.to/32q2rpT

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  1. If you don't like an apple it's probably reliable subconscious taste intuition. Maybe the apple has too much iron in it or some other mineral or compound. I remember watching or listening to a Joseph lofthouse interview where he talked about developing his high beta carotine corn. He said when he eats it it makes him happy. He tends to select for beta carotene type flavors in breeding squash as well.

  2. Some promising contenders there!! That has to be the most you've tasted in a video lol. I am going to make sure I get some Golden Russet this time around. They are always sold out. Guess I need to go up a tier or two on Patreon! Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy that pie!

  3. Thanks for uploading this on thanksgiving! What a relief to have something fun to watch here tonight!

  4. I know nothing about these things but can an apple tree survive american north eastern winters? its not too bad some cold for about 3 monthes but nothing below 5-10 degrees often. I live in south western pennsylvania, right on the line with west virginia, could I plant a few trees and keep them going? i used to have cherry trees but a blight(or something else I mistook for a sickness) took them, I miss taking care of them and then getting good fruit in return. if given thank you for your time, all the best.

    Edit: after reading for a while about it and looking around online it looks like, while time/work intensive it could be incredibly rewarding, I'm ready to either fail utterly or become overwhelmed come mid february-march I believe I'm going to buy 2-3 apple trees and plant them, i have a good lightly slanted hillside, my only question is can I buy a breed that is pink/reddish and good for eating as is like the ones you show in the vid? thank you for wonderful videos and some inspiration.

  5. You talking about the clean aftertaste goes along with why I don't like Gala (at least from the grocery store anyway). It has a slight aftertaste that I don't find pleasant. I mean, I don't find them that good to begin with, but I find Fujis are somewhat similar but without the aftertaste so I find them preferable. In any case I still very much look forward to tasting some of the more interesting varieties including yours once my grafts and seeds mature of course.

  6. 6:11 Ice Princess name change “Clean Intrigue” …. What fun, thanks for bringing us on the taste test ramble. Apple 135, I like the gold Autumn leaves on it, lovely in the landscape.
    🤔Wondering if some of the ripening issues of thick skin, tannic taste and slower to ripen are being influenced by changes in our Sun; seeing thicker skins in Avocado and Orange
    and ripening issues. Mmm gonna be a yummy pie! 🍏🍎🥧

  7. You would never convince me that I would enjoy watching someone test taste apples, yet everytime you do one of these videos, I happily watch it all the way through. How do you recommend starting on a journey like this? I think I'm in a similar climate to you (I'm about 60 miles east of Sacramento at a little over 4000 ft elevation) what would be 3 or 4 must have apples to try out? We already have a small orchard that's about 30 years old with your typical kind of boring store bought apple varieties. Thanks for all you do. Been following you for years now

  8. On the trees that have some that are red and some that don't develope the redness, are the two on the same branch or does one branch produce the desired apples and another branch produce the less desirable apples?

  9. It's been fascinating watching your breeding project develop over the years. Very thankful you've shared it!

    I was excited to see some pink Fleshed expressed in Sugarwood. The tree I grafted from your scionwood has some fruit buds on it, so crossing my fingers I'll get a taste next year.

    Thanks for putting an update on Triceratops in your last tasting video. Even though it wasn't as good as last year, if you released that one I'd still bid or buy.

    Compared to Europe, the US doesn't have that many cider only bittersweet and bittersharp apples. Even though not your main goal, expanding the catalog of American cider apples is a welcome byproduct of your work.

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