Japanese Garden

Tips On How To Create A Japanese Garden At Home

Creating a Japanese garden in a small space of your is not as difficult as you may imagine.

http://www.turnyourgardenjapanese.com is the home of our free Japanese garden design help.

Creating a Japanese garden does take a little thought and it is advisable to understand the basics and take it from there.

This video explains Japanese garden landscaping and design techniques and ideas and should give you an overview to help you decide whether you want your own beautiful Japanese garden at home.

Small spaces are suited to Japanese gardens as these are the types og gardens that are minimalist in comparison to Western style gardens and a few styles are based on the miniaturisation of nature and/ or ‘borrowed scenery’ where landscapes are copied but on a much smaller scale.

Take a look at this short video to find out more and get the basic do’s and don’t of a Japanese garden.
#japanesegardens #gardening #japanesegardeninformation

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