Gardening Supplies

November Garden Tour | Gardening with Creekside

Join us for a late November garden tour where we share the good, the bad, and the ugly with you. With each month that passes by the gardens take on different looks and even in late November, there are lots of colors and textures to take note of.

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Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034


  1. Thank you for always being my motivator in gardening, I hope I can quickly have a garden like yours, always be successful and keep up the spirit ❤️❤️❤️😘😘👍👍

  2. Even though we are in the north, the warm winter puts us in about the situation with our garden! We are going to to try and button things up shortly as well! 😀

  3. I accomplished more in the garden since October than all season. It's so nice working in cool temperatures with most soil

  4. Good morning, Jenny & Jerry☕️ I love how you keep it real in the garden. That Lantana is huge! Up here in Boston, zone 6, I have to dig mine up and winter them over so they never get that big however, I wish they would! Have a Blessed Day 😊🐶

  5. One reason to remove dead panicle hydrangea blooms: if you get a lot of snow, it can weigh down your shrubs and break the stems (or even the main trunk). I had this happen when I lived in Western WA, and my row of hydrangeas got a significant pruning by nature. Although I thought some of the damage was catastrophic, these are tough plants and came back vigorous and healthy—although I sacrificed about a year’s growth. Now thankfully I live near Jenny (in North Georgia), and the climate is much more accommodating!

  6. We are always learning in our gardens. Especially here in NC😉I have wrestled with dahlias. Some hydrangeas are so easy, others a challenge. But we are always learning, moving & creating. I have voles so I have been planting alliums & daffodils to protect other plants.

    Thank you for the tour! Appreciate your honesty when things don’t work.

  7. I love to see your beautiful gardens at the different times of year. I have learned so much from you about caring for my own garden. I am also in Zone 7b so your experience is invaluable for me. So sorry I did not get to meet you when I came to pick up my Unique Stone piece, you and Jerry could have sold me a lot more! But hey, there is always next spring! Thanks Jenny!

  8. You always have great information and show the good, bad and ugly . Thank you . I need to get with the program and go check my beds today.

  9. Was wondering why you dont sell poinsettia for Christmas. Is it because of your climate.
    Thanks Love watching your videos.

  10. Jenny remind Jerry that just about everyone has an area that should not be shown. I personally like the good the bad and the ugly, it makes me feel better about my areas that should not be shown. Notice I said areas which are many in my yard. After years of working retail, raising a family, looking after grandchildren I’m finally able to get to my garden/ yard and it’s a mess. And now that I’m retired or I should say tired I have the will but not so much the energy to work on the yard/ garden. We live in the country so no neighbors to compete with and it’s a slow process for me but I am determined that before I go meet my maker that I will at least have one beautiful area to enjoy. It’s okay to show us the not so desirable areas that still need work, your young and you will get there. You’ve done an amazing job at creating your new garden beds and have put in many new garden beds this last year, you can’t get to them all, it’s a work in progress so don’t feel bad that one of your garden areas need a little work yet. 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄💚🙃

  11. My garden looked like yours more than a month ago. My chore list rapidly changed based on my time and weather conditions so I know I'll be busy next spring. We had unusually warm weather the last few days so all our snow cover is gone.
    Jenny, ixnay on the emoval ray in front of the scentlandia. 😄🤣 I planned to remove a 3-plant hedge of illex this fall when the foliage dropped off. It's beautiful and I love the glossy foliage, but several years ago it started suckering and I can't have that. But, we got a dumping of snow followed by really cold weather so I will be doing the removal next spring 🤫
    I'm already dreaming of next year's gardens.

  12. Some Gardners up north ( where I used to live) would leave the old growth on many perennials for winter protection! I agree with taking old flowers off of hydrangeas because of snow!
    So nice to see your garden Jenny warts and all🌿

  13. Despite what dear Jerry said, I was glad to see the dalia bed! I saw some pix on Instagram that you posted, and the flowers were gorgeous! Looking forward to seeing the reworked bed, with tons of tubers planted! 👏

  14. I have oak leaves and have heard that they are not the best for composting /mulching?? Is that true?

  15. Are you going to just move the scentlandia somewhere else that it can just do it's thing? Maybe out in your tree edgeline??

  16. We had a terrible problem with raccoons plowing up our garden this late summer through fall. They dug up several plants multiple times and left them to die on top of the soil. We finally put chicken wire weighted down with bricks over their favorite areas…so attractive…not. I noticed that they left the areas that were thickly planted alone. We also put out a couple of motion activated rainbird type sprinklers at night that seems to have discouraged them. Good luck discouraging whatever is digging in your beautiful gardens.

  17. One of my friends and I have been wondering why there was never a dahlia tour this summer. Thanks for letting us know. I look forward to your next video on them as I am in 7a and mine were planted too late and many did not bloom. I enjoy watching your videos with my morning coffee, and love that you are keeping it real.

  18. Hi Jenny – you may have mentioned this numerous times, but are the little lime's that started out the tour, lining the top of your raised beds in full, hot afternoon sun? Love your garden tours – no matter what time of year – it's great to see all of the changes♥

  19. Seems there is always something to do in the Garden all year around. The birds get all my mulch messed up. Watch that fire ant hill. Love ya Jenny and Jerry.

  20. Or maybe I am gardener in a different continent thousands of miles away in the tropics who can't grow most of these plants but still enjoy watching 😛

  21. Jerry we have grass envy over here!! Fine job sir 😊
    Also, on the critters digging in the patio beds, put out a trail camera & you’ll find out who the culprit is. Ours was a grey fox 🦊 that would dig anywhere we put out our favorite fertilizer (would even dig the plants up going after the root stimulator!). I have since added Cheyenne pepper to the blend when planting something to deter the critters.

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