Vegetable Gardening

Cabbage Worms? Try This! Companion planting!

Today’s a busy day as we take advantage of this nice weather to get lots done and our garden. Follow us along for cabbage worm, control, and to see what we are growing in our fall and winter garden companion planting.


  1. Hi my sister in Jesus I had some orangic apple seeds it was growing fine in my apartment then all of a sudden the apple trees died I wonder what I did wrong. I took it up stairs of my apartment on the 10 floor it seemed like the apple plant likes the outside rather than the inside of my apartment.Tje chickens are so adorable. I hear in Texas now people have to boil the water all the best to you and your husband have a blessed day.

  2. I planted celery in my garden beds this past year along with fennel, and some dill weed. It brought so many parasitical wasps and other bees, bumblebees, red wasps, yellow jackets, mud dobbers, and hornets I didn't encounter any worms on my plants accept on my tomatoes at the very end of the year less than 3 weeks ago. I also have blue berry bushes that seems to bring in many as well. I think I had enough things to keep everything going most of the year to keep the bad things at bay. 99% this year accepts for some BT for the horn worms that I had very few of.

  3. Hey there Jill….I think you were referring to me requesting info on the planning that goes into your starting seeds, etc. And really, you gave a good answer. I appreciate your time on that.
    That little bug that looked like a lady bug….question on that. I have read several places through the years that there are 'look-alike' lady bugs that show up in fall and winter and are not good for our plants. Have you ever read that or heard of that? I actually killed one the other day that was on my 'red potatoes in a box experiment.' Looked like a lady bug but I was thinking it was one of the imposters.
    Enjoy your sunshine. Jesus bless.

  4. You've got so many seedlings going ready to plant. I don't have the space for that, but I love seeing you growing so much in your high tunnel,

  5. Harvested some broccoli and cabbage to have on the supper menu tonight. I will have to give that heavy hitter okra another try glad you are getting some great seeds from it. God Bless and take care

  6. As Travis from Lay Dog once said about starting seeds…"I can't help it, I got the fever" 😂That's me… I have seeds out the wazoo..And still waiting for the place to plant them. When I get it- LOOK OUT! 🤣🤣Broccoli and Cauliflower- 😯😯! They are over 5 bucks a head here, and they will literally fit into the top of a measuring cup. Eggs, almost 7 bucks a dozen for non-organic..Organic, almost 9 bucks..Time to stop eating eggs!

  7. Yesterday was beautiful in the low 60's – so with my head cold or whatever I caught we went out and cleared up more rock in the area where we removed cedar trees. We knew there was rock back there but surprised how much still more to do but now this cold caught up with me today. We are working out our plan for where we are going to garden and put our chickens in the spring. I have seeds to get started also. What a handsome Rooster and love his name! One of my rose bushes has 7 blooms on it and are opening up today in the 70's and tomorrow almost 80 degree days. My hibiscus took a hit when we froze all night. It had blooms that may open but I dought it. We are drying out also.

  8. Sneaking out every night to bring in fresh lettuce:) Love taking virtual tours through your garden, feel I always learn something or get enough info to go study more. Off to look up Boron & Celery 🙂

  9. I was just thinking that this weather is great for cabbage…. Should've planted some. And I think the proper term for the mayor's tails is called "chem trails" and yes, I think they are making it rain. Call me a conspiracy theorist. 😄

  10. Hi Jill, just when you think your seed starting area is organized it blows up. LOL We are starting lot's of seed this weekend. I got some Heavy Hitter Okra seeds and will be starting them around January. It's Christmas here at Central Texas Homestead and the house is lit up. I'll do a short video on all our decorations. Can you tell me about the forever onions? Are they clumping? God Bless, Mike

  11. Hey, remember when you considered pulling the okra up because it wasn't producing? I contemplated the same with my Star of David. Glad I didn't. Thanks for the update. Don't give up. Much love from Deep East Texas.

  12. I lost my tomato and my basil in my greenhouse. Everything else is good. I need to put a light bulb in there. That'll keep it from freezing, at least. What's this I hear about Texas water being bad?

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