Gardening Supplies


Get these preparedness supplies bought before it’s too late. In this video I discuss preparedness items and supplies that are needed in order to be ready for a lot of emergency preparedness events.
Let me know in the comments below your thoughts on this topic and discuss anything you would like to add.

1777 S Burlington Blvd. #408
Burlington, WA 98233

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Survival Garden Seeds:
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Homesteader Kit
Home Garden
Farmer Seed Vault
Microgreen 5 Kit
Microgreen 10 Kit
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Disclaimer: I am not sponsored in any way by anything or anyone I discuss on my videos. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases when you use any links connected to my Amazon Influencer Page. Additionally, I am also an affiliate of several great companies like Mira Safety & Refuge Medical which does mean I get a small commission should you decide to use one of my links. No pressure at all. I am just a prepper and mom who prepares daily for emergency situations. I am not an expert, nor am I a doctor. You are advised to never take my words as educated or as the survival or medical expertise. I merely talk about what me and my family do and how we prepare to give you ideas but I urge you to always do your own research before acting on anything and/or purchasing anything I might mention to be using or doing myself.


  1. If you are just starting today or less than a month, right now Aldi and Walmart have 2019 food prices , buy food you and ur family eat. Stock for 10 days. Check your expiration dates on cans on coffee on everything you are buying now at stores. Stores are putting old first on shelves. If you get 10 days done. Than go for 1 month. Keep inventory I just went thru my stock and I sure did stock up on powder cinnamon. I use cinnamon alot. Check prior videos from Mamabear it give us a lot of great preparedness.

  2. I went to Walmart to get cottage cheese..they had expired cottage cheese like a week expired and not at reduced price

  3. Please do not use mouse/rat poisons or bait. Those kill slowly and then kill that critters natural predator when they eat them!

  4. Tasha couldn't be more right about rodents; also, roaches, flies and other pests.
    But a couple of years ago, we had to rent a house and when the heat hit, the mice started showing up.
    It's extremely distressing and anxiety-producing because you don't know where they've been and what food they've been in.
    You're constantly worrying about whether that area you just cleaned last night has been recontaminated. You don't want to cook in your kitchen.
    You worry about them getting into your pet's food.
    It's just really GROSS!
    When things kick off, your neighbors are going to be horrible about disposing of human waste and food because they haven't thought through how to correctly do things when there's no plumbing or trash pickup.
    All manner of pests will show up and breed like CRAZY!!!
    Even if you're scrupulous about what you do, you'll likely still have problems.
    And when spring begins to roll into summer, Katie bar the door.
    Secure your food in heavy-duty crates.
    Avoid card board even if you dont have food in it because rodents love to nest in that.
    Research it and have several ways of dealing with pests.
    Natural poisons like borax and edible diatomaceous earth.
    Live animal traps.
    Mouse traps.
    Repellents to use in the house and garden such as peppermint oil, clove oil, hot peppers.
    Consider ways that they can get in when they show up.
    You might have vulnerabilities you don't realize now because they're not here yet.
    This has a lot in common with considering your perimeter in preventing unwanted human guests; you look for spots they can hide, places they could enter and things they can see on your property that may draw them to you. Then to find ways to block, deter or, lastly, detect and identify early.
    Great presentation!

  5. Just found your channel, great !!!
    One question, any info on using the all American pressure canner on electric stove ?
    We moved out of state, the house we purchased has electric, I’m really in a bind to can all that we will need.
    Thanks for all you do!!!

  6. If your new to this channel and interested in prepping, Tasha has great advice and experience. I upped my prepper game a year ago and found your channel. Your water series! The best out there. My husband found 5/55 gal barrels, put on spigots, made or found 4 skids to put them on, cut out screen systems for 2 lids, made his own downspout system etc. Also, I ordered the bug water pucks and water treatment.
    I like your no nonsense style.

  7. WOW, it was like hearing CLIFF Notes. Great video, Mama. BTW, watching you drink coffee with Twinkies Creamer got me hooked! LOL. Take care.

  8. Yes water storage is so very important. Here in Houston we are under a boil notice at this time. We had a power outage at justbone of our water purification plants that feeds into our main water supply. The power outage caused a pressure loss below 20psi, this creates the possibility of bacteria and other microbes to enter our total water supply. Just imagine a larger grid down situation and water plants down all over, even just for a few hours could affect water supply for days or weeks. Stay safe everyone.

  9. 🙏Hi my prepping friends of Mama Bear 🐨 I have videos for you on bible prophecy and the end times. Please go to Papa Joe Fortner or shockwaves of the end times or The watchmen series with papa joe. Thank you and God bless you 🙏

  10. I've been telling my daughter to get atleast 2wks of preps on what they use she told me she knew where to go get preps,,she said my house,,
    I told her I prepped a can of tuna and a bag of beans for her 🤣🤣

  11. Hi! I'm not sure I have heard this one yet but what about birth control. We probably wont be getting pills from pharmacy so condoms? I dont personally need this but who wants to have a baby if its grid down/ww3.

  12. Yes people are just going off the chain!! I was at a drive-through and the car in front of me couldn’t get their order because they said she needed to have a card that they weren’t taking cash. She slipped busted the window in the drive-through snatch the girls phone. I drove up after she left and she circle back around i’m like it’s time to go. I told them they need to call the police.

  13. God Bless you and your family ♥️ ❤️ 💕 👪 🙏 Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us All ♥️ ❤️ 💕 👪 🙏

  14. Has taken time but got all bases covered. I may have missed it, security for yourself and prep items. Good vidio.

  15. Did I miss the mention of personal and property defense? Once prep supplies are stockpiled, they will need to be defended from those who didn't prepare and want your preps.

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