Japanese Garden

Top Japanese Garden – Korakuen Garden in Okayama

Korakuen Garden in Okayama Prefecture is a top Japanese garden. BUT without the tourists. It is considered one of the top Three Great Gardens of Japan.

One of the best things about this garden is that it is made in the Kaiyu style of gardens which gives the viewer a new view each time they make a turn. Yet, because Okayama is still relatively unknown, there are hardly any tourists. You can see on this day, even with it being a three day weekend and a local festival going on hardly anyone is there.

Compare this to the big cities where places are packed and people are scrambling to get their next Instagram shot.

There are also various different activities going on during each season such as the cherry blossoms, plum blossoms, burning of the grass in the winter, fall foilage lightup in the fall. There really is something going on almost every weekend.


  1. that last shot of the castle would make a great spring Photo lake foreground the little bridge mid and castle background with the crane ofc on a nice bright spring day

  2. Thank you for such a beautiful video, I love when you take us to these places, there is so much beauty and I love seeing it. I would love to see the trees in bloom and all of the color. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing, and I love that you always show so much respect for everything, it does show and that is something else that I love about your videos. So good to see you both once again, I love your channel, you two are so beautiful together, thank you for so much beauty. Take care love you both, bye for now.

  3. Can't beat a japanese garden. Except if you're Arissa😊 I suspect this is pre JLPT study and exam material judging from the weather😉 Getting back into the groove!

  4. I love Korakuen. Got to spend about an hour there in 2018. Okayama is on my re-visit list.

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