Backyard Garden

Pool Financing At 5.99% | California Pools & Landscape

Have you been thinking about financing your dream backyard project, but have been scared off by interest rate hikes? In this video, you will learn how California Pools & Landscape can get your swimming pool financed at just 5.99%!

When you are planning to make an investment into your home with a new backyard, financing can make your project financially attainable.

Here at California Pools & Landscape, we now offer 5.99% fixed-rate financing on a 20-year loan term. This low rate will save your family money over the long run and help you build long-lasting memories in your dream outdoor living space.

You might be wondering what does that mean to me? Let us break down a monthly payment, so you can get an idea of just how affordable a swimming pool can be!

For a $75,000 pool loan on a 20-year loan term at 5.99% interest, you would have a monthly payment of just $536 a month, on approved credit. This unsecured loan has no pre-payment penalties, low closing costs, and does not utilize the equity in your home. Don’t hesitate, as these rates will increase on January 1st, 2023. There has never been a better time to finance your dream backyard!

Our finance team is here to speak with you about your family’s goals and find an arrangement that works best for you. Make your backyard the place to be in 2023! Visit https://www.calpoolcom/funding to get the process started today!

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