Front Yard Garden

2022 Neighborhood Set Up: Part 1

Please enjoy part 1 of my neighborhood set up. Please comment me with any questions.

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#Christmas #christmasvillage #gardening #homedecor #seasonaldecor

Contest video:–QleXi6c


  1. Hi Miriam
    A tip I learn by trail and error is, I stopped gluing to the edges because I was cutting it away which left unglued in middle and it separated.

  2. Miriam, thank you for the recommendation for HWFF foam fusion. It works great with less substance needed. Your outdoor garden area looks amazingly beautiful and such growth in so little time. You are always 2-3 steps ahead in your planning stages before you start cutting up the Styrofoam. I am always catching my mistakes after the fact, and must redo…especially hiding the electric cords. One question regarding our next LiveStream for November. Is the time of 4pm mountain standard time? Enjoy the video .

  3. Hi Miriam. I didn't know you loved jigsaw puzzles. That's certainly what your village reminds me of. I love how you're making each piece fit perfectly together with the one next to it. Once everthing is completed no one will know it was originally three separate builds. I did want to know about your sidewalks. Did you tell us how you made them?? Perhaps I dozed off or just forgot. Old age and all. Though I don't have an AARP card, but probably could get one HA! FYI. you do realize that Christmas is only 6 weeks away from tomorrow (Sunday). Just a little friendly reminder. Also I hope you are resting tomorrow!! I'll be watching. As always, wishing all the best to you and yours.

  4. Hi Miriam. What a great video. Part one has several details that I needed to see. My carving skills still suck. It's nice of you to share how to properly do it. I also liked how you showed how you were planning on laying the sidewalk next to the yard. Last year I glued everything down and didn't actually go by a sketch first and by the time I got to putting my houses down, I ended up tearing up things that were already dry and having to replace some of the Styrofoam areas. I'm still at beginner level and being able to have access to help, from you, mean a lot and makes a huge difference to me. Also, your plants look great. We can clearly see that they are definitely not little babies anymore. They have grown so much. Well thanks for sharing with us again sis. That park still looks amazing. Stay blessed 😘👍💕💕

  5. "One day I will be like Miriam", LOL. You provide such a wonderful example, as a person, and talented DIY'er.

  6. I can’t wait to see how this turns out. This year’s build is coming along nicely. Do you keep and store all of your previous builds?

  7. Seems like I've been waiting forever to see how you're going to do your bed and breakfast. Now at least I have an idea of what the surroundings will look like. It's going to be gorgeous as always! I've learned so much from you, but not that I can do it all. LOL. You always make everything look so easy, but your tips and tutorials definitely help. It appears your park will be a level down from the neighborhood, right? It's going to be beautiful. And I can't believe how tall your plants grew!! Love it!!

  8. i just wanna see the whole village .. 😂 i cant wait for the full village the anticipation is killing me 😂😂😂😩😩

  9. Hi Miriam,
    Thank you for all your ideas – I've just bought my first 3 lemax building for my village. I'm amazed by them and cannot stop looking at them. I love all your ideas and I really look forward to your content. Thank you so much for everything!

  10. The steps or stairs, I’m so not getting it ! I can’t seem to how to do it! Do you have a tutorial video on how to the stairs case? I had to do it on by block by block , how do I send you a photo of very first built village? Please advise! Thank you

  11. Hi Miriam, You're off to a beautiful start as usual, I noticed in the comments you sell the builds from previous years. Where do I go to purchase?

  12. I really like seeing the behind the secens prep. Makes everything more clear. I'm super behind, not sure what happened!

  13. Hello Miriam, how do you cut holes in a 2" styrofoam base? Also, is 2" styrofoam base good enough thickness for snow village base? Thanks for all your assistance.

  14. Great video today with as always, helpful instructions on the basic layouts of your village. I love your Cana Lillies they are looking so good right now. You are right it has been very cold here in Arizona more excuses to stay warm inside and village craft 2 villages to complete so much fun this time of year

  15. Hi Miriam. I'm so glad I came across your channel. I was doing a search for Christmas villages and saw your channel. I started watching your videos and fell in love with your work. I'm so inspired!! I started doing villages way back in the 70's but my houses were tiny cardboard houses. I really had no idea there was Lemax and Dept 56 until in the 80's. I stopped doing my village at one point but last year I decided to start putting my village together again for Christmas. My village was pretty plain. I had one mountain that I bought many years ago but I'm wanting to make some since I've seen your videos. I did take pictures of my village to show my sisters. I wouldn't mind showing it to you even though it's not as elaborate or pretty as yours. I bought picks from dollar tree and walmart to make trees and shrubs for my village for this year. I'm hoping to be able to make mountains and waterfalls for my village for next year. This year will have to be plain again. Thank you for making these videos!!

  16. Hi Miriam, this looks awesome, love the way both scenes connect, beautiful transition. It shows what a lot of planning can do even if you change it a bit as you move along.

  17. It is so fun to watch you build on one level! I used 6 4'x4' one inch slabs of styrofoam this year and getting them to fit seamlessly was a exercise in futiity! Especially whem the tables are back to back in two different rooms. Not to mention trying to wire everything. But it's DONE. I asked my hubby what he thought and the first words out of his mouth were : "Where the heck are you going to store this stuff?" So much for my #1 fan. Now I've just got to find someone to video it for me. My hands are too shaky. I'm really looking forward to your B&B!!

  18. I love watching your creative process as you're building!
    I enjoy this part as well but I have to remind myself to slow down and not cut corners to get to the really fun part 😅

  19. I messaged Hot Foam Factory about possibly helping me out after losing most of my village and foam in the Hurricane and they never responded. 😢

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