Backyard Garden

Best Fruits & Vegetables You Can Grow in the Desert Backyard Garden Tour

John from visits a viewers backyard garden in Las Vegas, Nevada to share with you the best fruits and vegetables he is growing in the 100+ degree hot summer.

In this episode, John will take you on a tour of Chris Alexander’s backyard garden to share with you how he is growing food in the desert southwest.

You will learn how Chris turned his entire backyard into a food forest by growing a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. You will see how he has his backyard planned out to include spaces for fruit trees, fruit bushes, vining fruits, and an area for raised bed gardening.

You will discover how he filters the city water before it is used in his garden and how he used wood chips to mulch his backyard fruit tree orchard to conserve water. You will also discover how he is using clay pots known as an oya to conserve water an get his fruit trees water.

John will take you on a tour of the raised bed vegetable garden, and show you bed-by-bed what Chris planted this summer and also how it did for him.

You will learn some of the best producing tomatoes, peppers, melons, cucumbers, fruit trees and more. You will also learn about some of the crops that did not perform so well.

Finally, After the garden tour, John will sit down with Chris and ask him the following questions:
25:14 Interview with Chris starts
25:45 Why did you start gardening in Las Vegas?
27:04 What are the biggest challenges you have had growing in Las Vegas?
28:25 What are the top 2 tomatoes to grow in Las Vegas?
29:38 What are the top peppers you grew this year in Las Vegas?
31:00 How are you growing your peppers in full sun without shade cloth?
32:55 What are some of the practices you use to increase soil fertility?
34:45 Have you used Rock Dust?
35:45 What do you do for pests in Las Vegas?
37:10 How much time do you put into your garden on a daily basis?
38:05 How did you set up your entire garden? Did you do it all at once?
39:50 When did you start your garden?
40:41 What are your 3 best-performing fruit trees?
42:19 What varieties of cucumbers and melons grow best for you in Las Vegas?
45:05 Why did you decide to start a youtube channel and Instagram account to teach people about gardening?
49:44 Any final words of wisdom for my viewers?
50:40 What are your youtube, facebook and Instagram accounts?

After watching this episode, you will learn some of the best fruits and vegetables you can grow in Las Vegas, NV or other similar desert climates in the Southwest.

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Referenced Episodes:
Viragrow Soil

How to Build a Concrete Block Raised Bed

Check out Chris’s YouTube Channel:

Check out Chris’s Facebook at

Check out Chris’s on Instagram

Check Out Chris’s Blog for pictures from the beginning


  1. What is a good book that tells me planting seasons and other info about Plants like how much sun is needed, water, etc? Thank you

  2. We love you, John.. we really love you.. your the guy we wish we could be..
    Please don't ever throw away your principles..

  3. Just poked some heirloom peas in the sqft plots out back. Waiting for my garlic and elephant garlic to show up. 🙂

  4. Hey John come visit my garden in South Las Vegas. I have nothing like that but my tomatoes are enormous

  5. Star nursery compost is aweful my tomato plants turned purple till I emended my soil with worm casting, azomite, my compost, coconut coir, epsom salt and organic liquid kelp

  6. Cool & Heat your home for free
    youtu. be/GDwnb97Jcrw

    💙💜💥🤗LOVE IS THE WAY🤗💥💜💙

  7. If you want to open compost in a dry environment, I suggest you put ur pile in the shade & cover it with a tarp after it's watered to slow evaporation. Also, I put kitchen waste in the freezer then add it frozen to the pile, it will be wetter & mushier & break down quickly, even in a drier pile. I live in Texas, so probably not quite as dry as desert living.

  8. Hi John I had a Stroke just over5 years ago which left me with several disabilities so keeping up an edible garden is not easy. It’d be great if you could come and help out with establishing an urban farm down here in Adelaide , South Australia with this 58 year old man.

  9. Say John I live in the high desert (Victorville, Ca), zone 8B -9A, my issue is moths that eat the plants and springtails, I don't know how to deal with them except to do a planter off the ground and nets, besides that I'm quite discouraged by my plants getting eaten by bugs and birds.

  10. Thanks for these Las Vegas shows I really appreciate it. Helps a lot in my garden. Wouldn't mind visiting Chris's garden. I'm surprised he doesn't grow okra. They do really well here in Henderson/LV. The Armenian cucumbers are awesome. I've pickled the bigger ones. Very good taste. Peppers do well for me too. I hate that we can't grow big tomatoes. The smaller ones do well but have that grape texture. Watermelon do well also but I'm looking for smaller ones. I've tried growing shisho and eggplant but can't for some reason. People laugh at my desert garden but I enjoy learning and spending time in it. Glad Chris is showing that it's possible. Would be nice to see his garden in the spring time.

  11. Great vid, and I am impressed with the home owners ingenuity and dedication. However, it looks to me like the trees are all planted much too close to fences and house foundations, since they will grow too large for their locations, and possibly damage foundations of the fence and house.

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