Garden Design

Wildlife Garden Design Tips and Tricks || Layout

Hello everyone! In this video, I wanted to put forth some of my tips regarding drawing up designs for your garden. I want to encourage you to sketch your garden plans on paper, no matter what stage you’re at in your garden and no matter what level of drawing skill you have. Please take time to consider sketching out your current garden beds as well as what you want to expand them to in the future. Keep each design idea so you can continue to look back on it in the future and see how your ideas have evolved. Also, keep a garden journal to document when things bloom, when things leaf out, what plants thrive, what plants don’t do as well, plants you want to put in your garden, and things you want to remove. Don’t forget to put a date on each entry in your journal! This is very helpful to look back on into winter time and into spring planting season — or fall planting season. It’s easy to forget things throughout the year, so a garden journal is a great way to keep track of things and record what’s happening when. Thanks for watching!

1 Comment

  1. Loved this video! Thank you so much for the wonderful content you provide. I have been enjoying your channel for a while, and I love your wild, natural, and flexible approach to gardening. Specifically, I love how non-manicured (but GORGEOUS nonetheless!) your garden looks. I also take a similar approach in that I do not go crazy weeding or over mulching. How do you manage the leaves on your property? This is the second year that we are leaving the leaves everywhere except our lawn areas. Excited for the additional habitat it provides as well as improvement to the soil. Thank you again 🙂

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