Gardening Supplies

Grow Bigger Onions | Start Learning Gardening NOW | Food Shortage | Stock Up NOW

Grow Bigger Onions | Start Learning Gardening NOW | Food Shortage | Stock Up NOW
This is a easy tip to learn FAST, for bigger Onions.

How to grow 100 onions in a small area video:

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With all of the food prices going up food shortages inflation and hyperinflation going on in supply chain issues it is time to grow your own food, growing your own food can save you a lot of money and I can also save you from food shortages because you will have it at home, you don’t need a huge garden to grow your own food you can grow your own food and doors as well.

This video is a video showing you a gardening tips on how to grow bigger onions, a small easy how to on growing bigger onions. Have you ever grown onions, have you grown onions and they turned out small, this is a tip on how to grow bigger onions to grow healthier onions and grow a better onion at home. Trimming your own onions is easy, and I can send a bunch of growth to the layers of your onions and also to the root growth of your onions, given you more rings on your onions and bigger overall healthier onions .

Inflation and Hyperinflation is a good reason to grow your own food at home saving by growing your own food will keep you from going to the grocery store and overspending on produce. Grow food now, grow your own food at home will help you against food shortages, and supply chain issues, because you will be growing your own food at home you will not be disturbed by that shortage.

Are you a prepper, are you prepping for hard times? If you are a proper or someone who likes to prepare for an emergency, whether it be a food shortage or hyperinflation or inflation of food prices, growing your own food including onions at home can help you against the inflation cost of onions and other produce and grocery store items, and also help you against food shortages and supply chain issues which will not affect you when you are growing your own food.

Some people are worried about an SHTF situation, regardless of what the SHTF situation is an SHTF food thing. Gardening tips and how to grow food at home is what you need to be learning to become self-sufficient with food, growing your own food is vital. Whether you have a large space to grow food or a small space to grow food it can be done and it can save you against inflating prices of produce so do yourself a favor and start your garden now.

Save this gardening video, as a prepper you need to learn gardening tips for more food.
Grow Bigger Onions | Start Learning Gardening NOW | Food Shortage | Stock Up NOW

#growbiggeronions #foodshortage #stockupnow


  1. I cut chives, dehydrate them, crush them, and put in a small jar in the fridge. I use them a few times per week

  2. I love onions. Here’s a little tip for free green onions.
    When I go to the grocery store I will sometimes buy bunches of green onions. Put them in salad, omelettes, baked potatoes, whatever.
    When I prepare them, I cut off the bottom 2 inches that have the roots on them.
    Grab a wide top planting bucket and randomly poke holes in the dirt with my pointing finger. Slip the green onion bottoms into the hole’s and bury them. Leave a quarter inch of the tip revealing. Water and watch them go!! Within a week they will be 6-8 inches or more. I cut off shots whenever I need some. I take the bent ones the wind blow over first.
    They will last all spring, summer and into the winter.
    If they get little flower nubs starting to form on the tips, I just pinch them off and eat them. This prevents them from maturing and dying before winter.
    Hope this was helping. Saving money for other things and eating and having a bit of fun in the process. ❤️

  3. I grow great green onions. I could never grow good bulb onions. I never realized my green onion growing skills were closely related to growing good bulb onions. Lol. I never usually trimmed the bulb onions as I always ate my green onion leafs. Being more delicate than the bulb onion leafs of course.
    I would always try to do bulb onions in the greenhouse but like you said, they would always fall over and finish prematurely.
    This is awesome! I’m definitely going to have good bulb onions now!! Thank you very much for the great tips!!

  4. Thanks for the tip!!!! I always wondered how to grow onions and so far the tops are great for topping stir frys . I love to garden and there is nothing more peaceful and tastes so much better than the store. Thank you again.

  5. My preteen made mashed potatoes and we threw in chopped garlic and onion leaves. They were so good.

  6. We use a lot of green onions on salads and stir fry. Store the leftover green onions in a plastic bag in the freezer so they don’t go bad.

  7. Some of my onions have a large bloom on top the rest have been knocked over by we had 80 mph winds a few weeks ago what are the blooms okay should I leave them there should I cut them off?

  8. awesome video! do you do paid brand partnerships? if so, what's a good business email to reach you? we think you'd be a good fit to partner with our DIY terrace gardening kits!

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