Garden Plans

Stop Doubting God's Plan for You Life – God's Urgent Message Today

Your best days are not behind you, my friend.
So long as you are walking with God, they are in front of you, and each step with Him in faith is preparing you for the days ahead. The Word of God says that the paths of just are a bright shining light shining more and more unto the perfect day.
There is a day called the perfect day. It is the day when everything God told you about has come to pass. It is the day when you remember that the things you once prayed for have been answered.
God has a better plan for you, my friend. Don’t panic. Don’t break down. Don’t give up and don’t give in either. Trust Him enough to believe that without any shadow of doubt, something better and bigger is coming out of this situation.
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  1. Why do you put commercials in the middle of the message. Is your motive money, or “the Word?” Love the message, not a fan of your commercializing His message.

  2. Until someone has adequately researched the changes that have been made to the bible in the last few years supernaturally they will never  be able to understand bible prophecy correctly.

     I started noticing changes in my bible in 2014 that I could not explain which I had been memorizing scripture out of since 1961. That was a couple years before I got my first computer. But since 2016 I've seen hundreds of videos by brothers and sisters who had searched for and found proof of what the KJV said before which also matched what I remember.  

    In these films documenting what used to be written in the KJV, all of the prophecies that are being perfectly fulfilled by this supernatural phenomenon are pointed out and explained. Here are just some of those prophecies.

     In Amos 8:11 God said that He was going to send a famine, not of food or water, but of hearing His words. In Daniel 12:4 & 12:9 God told Daniel to "seal" his book until the last days. And in Revelation 22:10 He told John not to seal his book because the time is at hand. One of the Greek definitions for "seal" in Strong's concordance is "to protect from Satan". In Daniel 7:25 God said that the Antichrist would "think to change times and laws" (which turned out to mean history and scripture along with laws of physics) and that God would give him the power to do so for a while. This is what the "lying signs and wonders" of 2nd Thessalonians 2 was talking about also.

    As hard as it is for most Christians to believe, the proven fact is, all bibles have been supernaturally changed right in our homes and there are now thousands of scripture changes in every bible on earth!!!     

     God commanded us to "prove all things" and I have provided lots of undeniable proof for true followers of Jesus Christ in my playlist which can be found by typing in (PROOF OF BIBLE CHANGE RESIDUE JUNKIE) 👈
     I haven't read any bible for years but instead have continued studying scripture and growing MUCH closer to the Word of God, (JESUS CHRIST), by simply learning what all has been changed. Satan is imperfect and he misses lots of stuff like bible quotes in other old books, videos of sermons, song lyrics, movie lines etc, and the videos showing what's changed always have these proofs of what was, which we refer to as "residue." (thus my name)     

     This is unquestionably the most important and exciting thing that's happened since the day of Pentecost! The strengthening of faith that comes with seeing irrefutable proof of the validity and accuracy of God's Holy prophetic word is unimaginable!!! Unfortunately though maybe only 1% are experiencing it, so far. 

    ❕👉  Whenever anyone is reading ANY bible now without knowing a LOT about what the thousands of supernatural changes in it are, Satan is laughing his tail off! And here's why, he understands why rat poison is 100% effective. It's 99.95% corn. Rats can't resist it and it kills every rat that eats it! They won't eat it if there's enough poison in it that they can taste it. He could have changed all the words, but then even the tares would notice it.👉 And he wouldn't have changed what he did if it wouldn't bring people to Hell. There are changes on every page of the KJV, more than any other translation…go figure. So if you aren't seeing changes on every page, you're doing exactly what Satan wants, eating his "rat poison"! I haven't opened my bible, (a KJV) that I got in 1961 and cherished my whole life, in over six years and will never read another one the rest of my life. I learned so much about this that I can't even LOOK at it now without getting a creepy feeling like looking at a Ouija board or a voodoo doll or something! 👉I give everybody the same advise, first watch all the films in my playlist which you'll find by just typing in (proof of bible change residue junkie) for a good understanding of how this is perfectly fulfilling many end time prophecies which we had all previously misinterpreted and to receive a 1,000% increase in faith,👉 then print out the PDF brother Tim has at his KJV restoration project at (I have to write this website in code or skroo tube won't post this comment!) amos ate dot oh are gee, of a long list of the changes that have been documented.👉 And then instead of reading any bible, watch as many of the other videos those channels have made on this as you can before the lights go out and Amos 8:12 is fulfilled too. That way you'll only be reading God's words instead of a mixture of His and Satan's. There'll be time to read Satan's rat poison later if you still want to.

    God bless!!!  ❤✝️💪

    P.S. If you don't know that the  💉  is the mark, just watch these! The buying and selling part is happening incrementally and will be complete when cash is abolished, (soon), and "worship can be correctly defined as to fear, obey, trust and depend on somethin or someone, which is what they are doing with the Beast system and the image of the Beast, (NWO & TV!) After people have taken all the shots they will apply a quantum dot invisible tattoo on their hand or forehead which glows under black light, but the mark is already in them after the first shot and when you go to any airport, they already know if you have it. So many believers who thought they would have to know they were receiving the mark, or that they would have been "raptured" before it could happen have already taken it…so terribly sad!

  3. Please my scorpio ♏, listen to this message because your life depends on God and returning back to me in the future.

    I hope and pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

  4. Thank u so much , Dear God for all u r blessings, let u r will be done, My Dear Lord, u have plans to prosper me not to harm me.all glory to u.😀😁😂😃😃💛💜💜💓💕👍💟💞💝💘💖💖💖💙💚💚💛💜💓💓💕👍💟💞💖💖💝💟👍

  5. My life is given by u , let u r will be done.u r thoughts grater than my thoughts.u have tought me from a to z.It is higly imposable for me to over come with out u my Lord Jesus.let u will be done .Here I am Lord , plese use me for u r work be done.use me as u r vessel.I pray in the mighty name of Jesus.😀😁😂😃😃😂😁😀😊☺💙💚💚💛💜💜💓💓💕💕💟💞💝💘💗💖💖💞💟💞💗💖💙💚💛💜💓💓💕💟💞💝💘💖💞💞💟💟💝👍

  6. I love the lord for gods word in het holy Bible. I live by it and believe everything that is in it. So much love ❤️ brings my only holy father. Thank you for blessing me. Strong in faith every day. I wish that for all believers. Amen. Thank you lord Jesus 😊

  7. Ok, I haven’t watched /listened to all of this but in one of the other videos, it was reassuring to hear the speaker say that if you have doubts, it doesn’t mean you don’t love God, it’s just that you’re human. From what I’ve heard in this video, if you doubt God, then you aren’t going to see your dreams fulfilled so which is it? I can’t help being human, that’s pretty much what the other video expressed but this is how I am, I do love God and I can’t help ,y emotions, sometimes no matter how hard I try to stay positive, those ugly thoughts pop up. So does that make me someone horrible?!

  8. All honor an glory to you father God thanks for everything I love you father amennnn 🙌🌹💟💟🌿👪🏠🕊️🕊️🕊️

  9. I love you so deeply in love with you father God Jesus Christ my best friend with all of my heart and soul no turning back until forever Amen

  10. His power yesterday today and forever still the same the power of our God Jesus Christ my best friend is always the same or forever Amen

  11. I trust in you father God Jesus Christ my best friend and I do believe in you father God Jesus Christ my best friend with all of my heart and soul in Jesus name Amen

  12. Please help me I have been on drugs from 16 years old I am now 45 I won't 2 know God and my lord please how can I be a child of God

  13. i have faith lord I do want good person for my kids but its hard I always get bad end of the stick not serious its just all fake then I look foolish i should said no hold my ground never gave in to temptations to end up in complete despair but god is good I always pray I need to let it go not go crazy it was just fling not real it was all emotions only come back to use until I stop it now its over cut me off cuz knows I know it wasnt genuine but its okay

  14. Oh trust me, when I say this,I'm waiting, God will Bless me with the lord's choice forever and always..

  15. I trust ONLY God and Jesus Christ Amen 🙏💜 only 2 men in my life 💜🙏

  16. I won’t doubt. No matter what His Will is.
    But, I can only hope ……
    Can your miracle be part of the test?

  17. Thank you oh God, for this wonderful message. Strength my faith in you and in Jesus Christ my Lord. I welcome your Holly Spirit. Let our helper whom you sent for us minister to all who are reading this.

  18. "Lord, cover our homes today & protect our children from every enemy-those we can see & those we cannot.Let Your surround us like a shield. Let YOUR mighty Angels encamp around us.Thank YOU for YOUR love & protection. Thank YOU Father!We love You!In Jesus' Name.Amen!"

  19. 6832 times Yahweh changed to The Lord, Yahshua changed to Yeshua, in error Yeshua tranliterated in KJV to Jesus 1638. Jesus Christ is the Spirit of error. The Greek believers called themselves Christians first in Antioch.
    Yahshua means Yahweh is salvation, Yahweh is love, Yahweh is light, Yahweh is the King of glory. What a horrible insult to change His name to the lord and Yahshua to Y'shua.
    The time is at hand Rev 1-3, there will be a new Heaven and new earth, a new
    Yahrusalem coming down from Heaven. Elohim himself will dwell with his people, a chosen people a royal priesthood a holy nation. No more curse, no more death, we shall see His Face and His name will be on our foreheads.
    The devil has deceived the whole world Jesus and the lord are false with no salvation. Yahshua said we must be born of Ruach HaKodesh and call on Yahweh in Yahshua's name and be saved. Dozens of Yahweh Yahshua bibles are available. Play James Block music!

  20. Read the book of Samuel he says for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me from being king over them'.

    Look These are the last words of David:
    “The inspired utterance of David son of Jesse, the utterance of the man exalted by the Most High,
    the man anointed by the God of Jacob,
        the hero of Israel’s songs for thos is all my salvation and all my desire.

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