Gardening Supplies

Q&A, Winter Wonderland and Biscuits and Gravy on a Wood Cookstove

Hi friends, today we’re getting some winter tasks completed outside and while we’re doing that I’ll be answering as many of your questions as I can. Later on, we’ll go inside and make some old-fashioned biscuits and gravy. I hope you enjoy coming along with us today.

Biscuit Recipe

1 3/4 c flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1/4 c shortening*
3/4 cup buttermilk *
1/3 c grated cheddar cheese

1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

2. Combine dry ingredients and whisk to blend well. Add cheese and combine.

3. Cut in shortening until the texture is like oatmeal. Add buttermilk, stirring with a fork just until moistened.

4. Turn dough onto lightly floured surface. Knead 3 or four times and flatten into 1 inch thick oval.

5. Using round biscuit cutter, or the top of a small glass, floured, cut out rounds and place, two inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 15 minutes until lightly browned.

Nana’s Notes
If you don’t have shortening, you can use 1/8 c butter mixed with 1/8 c lard. It works just as well.
If you don’t have buttermilk, put 1 1/2 tsp vinegar into bottom of 3/4 c measure, and fill with milk. The milk will sour after a minute or two. Also works great!

Harvest Right Freeze Dryer

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Mason Top Fermenting Kit

Jun Scoby

If that one is sold out check out this one!

Silicone Fermentation Lids

Fermentation Pebbles

Homesteading Books I recommend:

Preserving Without Canning or Freezing

Root Cellaring

The Woodland Homestead

Farming in the Woods

Grassfed Cattle

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  1. So funny you mentioned warmer climate gardening…I live in the south and envy your garden. It is frustrating to fight bug pressure, humidity and intense heat. I recently discovered your channel and absolutely LOVE ❤️ your content. Please keep up the wonderful videos and I will keep up the thumbs. Wishing you,Dan and the kids a blessed holiday and year's to come.

  2. I am new to Youtube (my husband has been watching videos for years and I have resisted until now!). You are one of my first channels I have subscribed to, I so enjoy watching you cook and talk about your homestead and family. My husband and I are of retirement age and have just purchased property in upstate New York where we will homestead along with our adult son. We have been "in training" on our 1 acre home in Connecticut for 18 years and are excited for our new chapter. We have raised chickens, ducks and pigs along with having a huge garden – I can and preserve as much food as possible for us and look forward to doing more of that on our new property in the future. We have always dreamed of having more land and expanding our ability to provide for ourselves, watching you is an inspiration for me! Thanks!

  3. I enjoy your videos. I have been viewing many homesteading YouTube channels since I retired last year and in searching for more Canadian content was happy to come across yours. Your season is a bit shorter and colder than ours so great to have that perspective. Is it true … 11 children? Did you have a few sets of twins or adopt some? Forgive me, I can’t get my head around that….I am an only child, never had any children, and not sure how or where you would put all the stuff….clothes, dishes, bedrooms, chairs, shoes…. Your kitchen is quite tidy and not huge….how do you hide the 7 plus bodies moving around all the time! Amazing!

  4. I am also looking forward to your cookbook too! I normally don’t use one but your cooking resembles how I too cook! No recipe and all from scratch! I am so glad I stumbled upon your show! I too have a Martha! She is a Majestic wood cookstove! Good to know how to keep her cleaned up and looking good!!

  5. I make this a lot we call it hamburger gravy. We have it over mashed potatoes. My mom made it when I was little

  6. I’m in awe of the multitude of things you get done and help with! Your home is so inviting; your food always looks so “comforting!” You have such a happy and satisfied aura. Love your channel.
    God Bless

  7. The crêpes look fantastic! We rarely ate pancakes growing up because my dad is originally from France and made crêpes for breakfast. Well done!

  8. About your wood burning range. Your sainted husband should have installed a damper in the stove pipe flue at an easily reachable height so when your fire is properly kindled, you can restrict the flue to keep the precious heat I the stove. I can tell from watching you fire the stove, you may not have a damper. Because the procedure for firing is to reach in back, open the damper fully, then close the draft before you slowly open the fire box to add wood. This redirects the smoke keeping it outta the house. Adjusting the damper will make the top of the stove hotter.

    Also, crumpled wax paper on a very warm stove top to keep it gun metal blue….keep re crumbling the paper until the paraffin is used up…

  9. With that water pump ,do you think if one was to dig down below the frost level and wrapped the pipe with serious insulation to just above ground level one could eliminate serious freezing for the winter? That's what my plans have been.All the best!

  10. I enjoy every video! You approach 'us' as your friends and you have wonderful content. The sharing of recipes and being in the kitchen with you is inspiring. I LOVE your farm, both winter & summer💗

  11. Great to see you! You are so right about the south, I had leaf footed bug on my tomatoes for the past few years and it is so annoying. I absolutely hate the humidity and I don't want to go outside during the summer, can never open up the windows in the house during the summer and basically we don't get rid of bugs, and fire ants and mosquitos are my enemies! Ugh! I don't like it too cold but I don't like it hot and humid either. California had the best climate years ago but it's not for me anymore. Enjoying your videos! Hugs and love 🤗💞🙏

  12. 💚 I really enjoyed this vlog and will likely watch it again, to catch more of the details you shared with us. I still did not catch the total number of children you have? Four adult children and then you said something about 7 children at home..but I don't think you have 11…I thought it's more like 8 total? Love seeing you drive that big truck/snowplow! Your food dehydrator room looks great and that brick red floor is great! Thanks so much again, Chelsea. I so enjoy you and your family 💚

  13. 💚 Martha really does look so shiny and beautiful. Can you please explain again how/where you polished with olive oil? Seems like it would get baked on from the heat? And, is that stainless pan, in which you made your biscuits and gravy, insulated/2 layers? Looks like a really nice pot. 💚

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