Container Gardening

Growing in Kiddie pools Vegetables Composting in Place Container Gardening Making Compost Tea

Growing in Pools and woodchips turning into compost soil, with compost containers feeding the ground with compost tea. Our garden and ground is covered with back to eden wood chips turning into rich soil, fast. Wading pools make great raised beds for gardening.


  1. The pretty pink geranium growing out of the boot is adorable! Great set up, your garden is beautiful.

  2. That's cheap $2 a piece,,how awesome is that. If you didn't put holes it would flood if it rains…as you said a swamp. I have seen others use them as tubs and sit grow bags in them.
    Your very efficient with water which is awesome to see.
    Happy Gardening
    Marty Ware (small space gardening Australia)

  3. Robbie, they really look nice. Seven inches is a nice depth for a planter like that. What a great use of space and have a nice garden at the same time. Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely day! Catherine

  4. Robbie, SO TRUE about the swamp!!! I will be moving our kiddie pool and do your set up instead! Common sense (which apparently, I don't have much of, hence the swamp! LOL), but such a brilliant idea! Thank you!

  5. Yes truly enjoyed the information. I am now thinking that the swimming pools would be ideal for strawberries. That will be my next project 😊

  6. Robbie…you always inspire me to do more.I love your vidios!I look forward to each one.Thank you so much for all the info.Please keep them coming……….Heather

  7. I just picked up a couple of wading pools from a local toy store – they were going to be discarded from a big store, and someone spotted them and asked if they could take them … They are taking donations for the relief nursery, great fund raiser!! And some of the pools were damaged, perfect for my protect!

  8. I used to get so confused with watching too many different gardening channels – they all had different styles, doing simple things in very complicated ways. After discovering your channel I have “dumped” all the other channels and now I just watch yours. You are so wonderful. You keep it all so simple, so low cost, and soooo fun❣️ 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  9. Living in Maryland: our summers are hot and humid ( with periods of steady rain) and rodents are an issue. I bought four kiddie pools and put them on cinderblocks to mimic raised beds and to discourage rodent burrows. Any thoughts/ advice? Thanks.

  10. Do you have to bury the pool, or cover the sides with wood chips? Or, m can you just sit it flush on the ground?

    Such awesome videos. Thanks!

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