Garden Plans

HOMESTEAD LIVING VIDEO #10 (Dec. 2020) / We're Upping Our Garden Game

It’s been two years since we posted this video over on Homestead Living. We STILL don’t have our crop garden area set up, but we have simplified our plans for the space over the years. In a way, I am glad that we’ve had more time to make decisions and plans for such an important area of our homestead. Yah willing, it will be set up before another two years go by. We look forward to sharing the process with you all.

Welcome to our channel and thank you for taking the time to watch our vlog. We are a family of 9 living in a 900 sq. ft. off grid home on 20 acres in the Ozarks. We are endeavoring to put in “1000’s of roots” on our land through permaculture design principles.

Please leave any thoughts or questions you may have in the comments below. We would love to connect with you! And be sure to subscribe and share us with others who may be interested in our videos.

Thanks again for watching,
Kip, Carrie, and Children

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  1. Nathen and Ester your an example of Whatever you do do as unto the Lord
    Amd upur an snswere to mom amd dads prayers

  2. Good job kids! Good Idea to increase the garden area because food is getting harder to come by and costing so much more. The little one in the sundress reminds me of memories of a favorite blouse I had as a child, it had christmas wreaths all over it with long sleeves and I wore it even in the heat of summer!! Precious memories … oh how they linger and sooth our souls. Ya'll will have so many when you are grown good or bad they will come and leave a smile or maybe a simple tear!! I love you all so much! Happy building and at the rate you work they will be ready in no time. Bye for now Love, Ms Joanne, Shalom

  3. Why am I so blessed to come across this channel and see the true work of God in these sweet kids. It’s amazing how they can do so much all by themselves. Thank you for your inspirational ending and your gift of sharing your skills. I’ve been wanting to grow some things in my backyard but haven’t the faintest idea how until now. First step, Garden beds!

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