Gardening Supplies

Food Prices Increase Almost 40% This Month!! Get Ready!

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  1. I love checking out at Walmart
    I get paid at the self checkout
    We charge $20 a checkout and if I have to train anyone I get an extra $ like teaching the kids to use self checkout
    Yes, Sir I get mine with NO guilt for getting paid to check out. Walmart receives US tax dollars so guess what we pay for our own food storage then we do all the work
    We live in a different world and this is exactly what this generation thinks!
    I tried to laugh then realized that they were dead serious!
    We now purchase 90% of our food from local sources. We only order online items that we can't get locally but we pay with money orders
    We're trying to get moved to southern Missouri very soon

  2. Them: "I and my family are coming over to your place when things go bad."☺️
    Me: "I don't think so. You are responsible for taking care of your family and yourself."😟
    Them: "Why not 🚫? We're friends aren't we?"
    Me: "Not anymore."😉
    Them: 😱

  3. My little local store, yesterday!! Fresh broccoli $5.99 a lb small head of lettuce $4.99 ..bagged lettuce $4.99 ..fresh 8oz ok if mushrooms $3.99…this was a overnight increase….before broccoli was $1.99, lettuce $1.49 bagged 1.49 and mushrooms 1.50

  4. A head of lettuce is around five bucks at a local store. I'm going to go out and give my garden a big old hug!

  5. How can I get information on attending your meeting this Sunday? I’ve been a follower for awhile but have not been able to attend any meetings yet.

  6. The war isn’t against food.
    It’s a war against humanity.
    Very old story: it starts with a war in heaven.

  7. Man!!! Our local grocery store in NE Tennessee has had some crazy increases. Grapes in the bag are 2.99 a pound but the ones in the little plastic box were 8.99!!! I love grapes and want my kids to be healthy, but geeeeez louise!! A bag of cuties is 5.99, bunch (5) of green onions and cilantro are both 1.99! And not for organic…
    Peoples buggies are not very full and I have seen people picking things up and upon checking prices putting it back down. It is sad

  8. The bible tells us that seed bearing fruit should be in our diet. Yet finding a grape or a watermelon with seeds is almost impossible. We wonder why infertility is a problem. We are eating things that are benign. How can we expect to produce life.

  9. Thank You Travis 18 eggs on coast Texas is $7.00 they are going to steal all your money raising the prices of food!!!

  10. I believe a lot of the food during the winter here comes from the Southern Hemisphere which is in summer during our winter. South America provides a lot and add in transportation and all the other shortages and up goes the prices

  11. Yep, they want to create food that is barely enough to keep people alive ….that does not provide the nutrients to allow the brain to develop a high IQ or CRITICAL THINKING!! Those who are intelligent enough to question and refuse to follow their commands will be killed and there will be mass slaughters of those individuals. This is a WAR against the citizens.

  12. If fish can't eat plastic, I'm pretty sure we shouldn't either. They will eat lobsters we will eat crickets and chemicals.

  13. I picked up a package of tomatoes and a mold was growing in the package, but the tomato looked fine. I did not buy vegetables that day.

  14. The things you are pointing out reminds me of the movie Snowpiercer. If you've never seen it- it's about an apocolypltic event with extreme cold. There is a train that will continually run and the only ppl to survive will be on this train. There is the elite section continuing down to the peasants. Food being a huge disparity. I suggest you check it out and think about the correlation of what the mother weffers are trying to do. 🙏

  15. I thank God for the forsight to start gardening. Many plants survive winters and reseed. Chameleon is a plant I am trying to encourage. It is edible. Prolific( invasive) is anti viral,anti bacterial, in fact i tried to leave it behind 7 years ago when I moved and took many shrubs/ plants. It showed up in small amounts. As I was researching how to get rid of it,I realized it is edible and very medicinal. Purslane is another, Natsturtiums are edible and reseed. and red clover( high in protein) dandelion and cats tails. Also edible are tiger lilies. I have a cabbage plant that is 3 years old. Just got a bounty of seeds from it. If you leave carrots in over winter,it will seed in spring. So much to learn. I have started celery in my kitchen window from a used celery stalk. Did great. I let celery come to seed and i will have way too many celery. Just got the roof on my first greenhouse. Already want to expand and build a coop off of it. Grow food Everyone. God bless.

  16. My brother and I share a small home (we're both retired and divorced), he eats lunch and supper, and I eat only lunch … our groceries now cost us $125/ wk … I bake our breads and cook from scratch, we also grow sprouts (mung bean, alfalfa, and broccoli) to supplement our salads … even being careful, things are starting to get very tight

  17. A coworker asked me for money because she was struggling with bills and food. I was thinking about helping but she kept going on about spending $80 on her nails and more on her lashes. $80 buys a lot of beans and rice. I declined giving her money.

  18. In my view, the inflation disaster isn't going away for years. Agree 💯💯👍 with the fake ( food ? ) Grow food inside if you can. LED grow lights etc. Window sills are Great for herbs. Thank you Travis.

  19. Check your preps/food!
    Fine print says bio-engineered ingredients! Had to throw out some clam chowder that smelled like straight rubber, and ☣️toxic azz. Headed to Schnucks this week to take back all those cans I bought. Take notes Missouri …Schnucks! The friendliest stores in town! Aldi's too! The corn chips!! 🤢 I ate those, and had the worst bout of acid reflux that night!! ✨🥊✨

  20. Travis, I don't know what YouTube is doing, but I had a hard time getting to this video. I clicked on it two times. Both times a message popped up that this video was private. After the second time, it did bring me to the video. I just thought that was strange.

  21. We had very cheap prices today in my city in Canada. 10 pounds of beets for $6.00, 10 pounds of onions for $3.50, 20 pounds of potatoes for $8.00 and 10 pounds of carrots for $8! Certainly groceries have gone up. I saw a $7.00 cauliflower the other day but these items above were such a good deal.

  22. winter time is when we have bucketed up dried goods. Rice, pasta, oats, beans ect. Three straight winters of this, and we have gone beyond hundreds of lbs and into thousands. of lbs.. We take no vacations, hardly go out for movies, dinners etc. This will fill in the gaps if and when we have bad years of gardening. Gotta gave a long term pantry that will last 20-30 yrs.

  23. i i buy fresh veggies, i dehydrate half of them, immediately. CAnned is good, i rotate stock. I cna take a 16 oz can-ish-of beans and combine with things to make 3-5 meals, including for my dog.

  24. I bought one bag of groceries at Aldi today and it was $50au. Getting way expensive, used to be around $30, $35 for the same thing a few months ago.

  25. Yet Americans are running around feeding the beast system and buying presents to put under a pagan tree!

    I work in retail and witness these prices go up every Tuesday. It's stunning to see how many people have no idea that there's something nefarious happening.

    Travis, I really appreciate you and your determination to shine light in a dark world!

  26. The types of lettuce that I normally buy for my sons guinea pig has gone from $2.99 to $6.99 over the past few months. I have to shop around now instead of shopping at one place.

  27. In your spiritual preparation if you are wondering, "What's the will of God for me?" Here it is!😉
    “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (1Th 5:18, KJV)

  28. We recently had a conversation with our local group about planning our gardens with the intention of sharing/trading with each other. For example, this year, we grew way more butternut squash than we can eat, but someone from our local group lost all of her butternut plants to a wind storm, but her acorn squash grew really well. I didnt plant any acorn squash this year, so we are going to trade! We are doing this with potatoes too!

  29. $8.99 for a head of lettuce and $16.59 for a head of cauliflower here in a north central kansas local grocer.

  30. Didn't this guy used to have actual content? When you scroll back over a year it's nothing but GET READY GET READY. How about some practical advice? Acquiring skills and networking is far more beneficial than buying more prepping items or complaining about a never-ending increase in food prices.

  31. I've done the best I can a person alone to stock up on beans and rice canned goods oatmeal sugar bottled water that's all I can do as I go till my space runs out I'll end up helping my adult kids that don't choose to hear or see!!!

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