Gardening Supplies

Will Bitcoin Make it thru another 20 years?

#Bitcoin #Ethereum #Layer2s #Cardano #Solana #Tesla #RealEstate
DISCLAIMER: InvestAnswers does not provide financial, investment, tax, or legal advice. None of the content on the InvestAnswers channels is financial, investment, tax, or legal advice and should not be taken as such; the content is intended only for educational and entertainment purposes. InvestAnswers (James) shares some of his trades as learning examples but they are only relevant to his specific portfolio allocation, risk tolerance & financial expertise, may not constitute a comprehensive or complete discussion of such topics, and should not be emulated. The content of this video is solely the opinion(s) of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Trading equities or cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. Kindly use your judgment and do your own research at all times. You are solely responsible for your own financial, investing, and trading decisions.

00:00 Introduction
01:00 Where to Ask Questions on Patreon
01:18 I read that BTC will no longer exist in 20 years. What is your take on that ?
01:40 Bitcoin Power Consumption 0.42% of Earth
02:20 FIAT is Collapsing
03:02 Historic FIAT Lifespan
04:26 Conclusion Bitcoin Making it to 30 Years of age?
05:44 BTC Mining Reward and Supply
06:07 BTC Mining Reward thru 2140
07:03 Conclusion Bitcoin Making it 30 Years?
07:10 Would you say your thesis and conviction in Ethereum has become stronger or weaker over the last 12 months?
07:35 Modular eg ETH and Layer 2’s
07:50 Modular vs. Monolithic Blockchains
09:39 Layer 2 Examples – there are too many
11:00 Conclusion on ETH
11:53 Your video on differing portfolio strategies got me thinking, if FTX and Alameda artificially pumped SOL can it reach another ATH in the next cycle.
12:18 Alameda Pumping SOL
12:57 SOL DAU vs ETH
14:00 Matching ADA Market Cap = $29.61 ATH $351.37
14:51 SOL Reaching 10% ETH Market Cap = $42.74 ATH $188.21
15:44 SOL Reaching 20% ETH Market Cap = $85.58 ATH $377
16:13 SOL vs ADA & ETH Summary
17:44 TESLA
17:50 Tesla Stock Pure Form Always
19:19 I am jealous of people with dry powder right now. The bank has offered me a fixed rate of 5% over 5 years for a decent amount. Is this a good opportunity to get a chunk of dry powder? I have terrible saving habits but do well at repaying debts.
19:51 5 Year Fixed Rate – NFA
20:40 Gary Black on Tesla in 6-12 Mths
22:57 For someone trying to get 1/3 of portfolio into Real Estate, it’s proving to be very challenging without receiving bank financing. Would you consider selling the crypto or just hold out & try to make enough without needing to borrow?
23:29 Home Buying Cash vs Mortgage 80% LTV
25:30 Real Estate #1 Choice of Millionaire Investments
25:51 RE is Pareto Efficient
26:15 I made some wealth in crypto and stocks and would like to buy real estate but I am a complete beginner. What are some good resources (courses, ytb channels, books, etc) to learn and start investing in real estate?
26:42 2 Items from my Bookshelf!
27:20 YouTube Has Amazing Resources
28:10 Helping Animals


  1. Bitcoin's power consumption is a feature, not a bug. The question is not how much power does it consume, but how is that power produced.

  2. Good man taking the day off and spending time with friends. Good friends and fresh air is the essence of life so enjoy. Great video. Thanks for the learning as this quiet , flat period is the time for us to learn and get ready for the next financial epoque or even just the next financial cycle.

  3. We don't know which projects will win… but we can assess the risk and thus the chances… and by far best chances go to Gaming Platforms… Lauer 1s really cant compare… can provide proof if anyone cares…

  4. James do you think you’ve become more bearish over the last few months? I’ve watched every single show since you’ve started. I know we’re in a bear market but I’m getting worried 😅

  5. Love you James – You are unbelievably dedicated and please never apologise for looking after yourself! Thank you for all that you do for us, day after day. đŸ™đŸ»

  6. The beauty of freedom of speech and free markets is people are free to criticize Mr. Musk and not buy his stuff if he's gone off the deep end.

  7. Portugal here, that®s so true!!! Great content, can you tell if your retire on Solana video is still accurate at a certain degree? thank®s😎😎😎

  8. Thank you very much for taking 2 days off James @InvestAnswers it gave me a chance to catch up on some of your videos that I missed recently! I do hope you'll take more time off to enjoy some downtime over Christmas or I will get behind again…

    Thank you for all that you do and I wish you a very Merry Christmas! ☃🎄☃

  9. Take all the time you need James. Your health is more important than our wealth. Thanks for all you do.

  10. I read realestate for dummies great book for a broad overview of realestate another one that's get's a little more specific but isn't hard to read or understand is "The ABC's of Realestate investing" by Ken McElroy, Love you James!!!!!!

  11. 21:46 You mean “Tesla price target", not “bitcoin”, right 🙂 I had to go back a couple of times to check lol. Scared the shit out of me

  12. @invest answers

    BTC will not last. Look up EPIC Cash. It's a private bitcoin with no fungibility issues

  13. James' analysis shows us what the data indicates at the time. He is not responsible for how you handle your money 😁

  14. Hi James, has your thesis on Bitcoin changed? It feels like this is your most doubtful outlook I have seen so far.

  15. James, I know you always call it as you see it which is much appreciated but how can you on the one hand be so cavalier about the future of Bitcoin (well, "it will thrive or die, that's the situation. Hope that helps!"), but on the other hand have videos out there about how many Bitcoin one needs to retire? Do you retract your earlier retirement videos? Presumably any of us taking seriously your retirement videos assumed Bitcoin would exist far more than 20 more years. What say you?

  16. As we are in the 2021 holiday shopping season, there’s a new scam you need to be aware of and watch out for: offers for Amazon Tokens. We have found that these new scams are very effective, yielding over USD $100,000. Over 300 Avast users have been protected from the scam in the past week.

  17. I’ve been flirting with the idea for years that Bitcoin is a massive psyop by the world governments to transition away from fiat.

    Think about it, if we honestly knew they were behind it, no one would want to use/be a part of it. It also just happens to be completely transparent and traceable

  18. Jeez, man. Not a good take on Modular vs Monolitihic. I suggest you do some more research @InvestAnswers before jumping to conclusions about simplicity etc.

  19. I have no doubts that BTC will stay with us forever. It is a new part of the economy and it can't be easily wiped away. That's why I try to put as much usdt as I can into it.

  20. Tesla cratering. Remember who said $60 when it was $300. Tesla is a No touch for 2-3 yrs

  21. It's strange how people talk about all the profit they have been making through trading of bitcoin While I'm here not making any profit at all. Can someone put me through or recommend a trust worthy trader that can trade on my behalf and generate profit for me please

  22. OMG, as a SW engineer of over 30+ years and if you really really understand security and complexity, nobody with any serious SW or engineering project, builds systems in a monolithic way (unless they are the Solana group) LOL. Monolithic systems CANNOT scale and a single point of failure will bring the whole system down!!!! Monolithic systems belong in the 1960's and 70's. ETH did the modern, future proof, systems design by moving to a modular architecture.

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