@Kaye Kittrell

Kaye Kittrell: How this TOXIC CHEMICAL got in our DRINKING WATER (and what to do about it!)

A brief history of How this TOXIC CHEMICAL got in our DRINKING WATER and what to do about it! CityCity girl urban gardener turns late bloomer homesteader!

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  1. Thanks Kaye for the excellent info. I haven't been using flouride for many years. Oh and Congrats for surpassing the 100K milestone, you deserve it. Make sure you post a video of what you have done to get there. Hurray for Kaye.

  2. Hi Kaye, if you look at a tube of regular toothpaste, it says if you swallow more than a pea size amount, call poison control. No, flouride is NOT good in toothpaste!!! Flouride is highly corrosive!

  3. im not affiliated with Zero Water but i do suggest people use Zerowater filtering to remove all the contaminates in their drinking water. here is a test that was done on removing Fluoride
    Does ZeroWater Remove Fluoride?
    Yes, according to the fluoride meter, ZeroWater filters can remove fluoride. In fact, it took water that contained 0.6 ppm of fluoride all the way down to 0.0 ppm, virtually removing all fluoride from my home’s tap water.

  4. I thought I knew all I needed to know about fluoridated drinking water but you shined a light on its history I was unaware of. I did know that it was used in Hitler's concentration camps to make the inmates docile, that cinched it for me. Thank you for being through in your research. You're becoming a National treasure in my eyes at least. You're a fantastic decorator too 🙂 ! Have a wonderful day and Merry Christmas Kaye!


  6. One of the most “toxic elements in the earths crust”……really? I’ve been brushing my teeth with it for 60 years, I should most certainly be dead.

  7. Throwing out findings seems to be a pattern with Governments eh! Fluoride being a by-product gives a win win to any self respecting profit over people Global Corporation

  8. I know I'm going to get hate for this, but there's a lot of stuff in here that is not exactly true. Fluoride, like everything else, is only toxic above a certain dose. Just like water is toxic when you drink too much of it, you can die from Hydro toxicity.

    That being said, the reason why fluoride is in the water is because back in the day people discovered that it had a positive effect in Dental health. As in, not only did people have less cavity, but people had more teeth. So when it comes to people who don't have proper Dental care, or I just a populist in general, this was a boom. If anyone has more questions about it, there is a video that explains the background of it, and it links the the sources in the description of the video.

    This is not to say that fluoride cannot and is not dangerous in higher quantities, ESPECIALLY when it comes to children. Which is why water treatment facilities have to be very very careful and particular about the dose.

    Fluoride poisoning is a problem and knowing the symptoms is important. But there is not a single symptom of fluoride poisoning that affect someone's mind or cognitive abilities at all. No effect on fertility, nothing like that. There is no doubt that the government – much like big businesses or organizations – has secrets and are doing things that are against the populace. But this is not one of those things, as the effects of fluoride do not provide any sort of positive benefit for the government other than a slightly healthier populace that don't have to wear dentures by the time they are 50 or 60.

    The problem with these conspiracy theories, is that it detracts and deflects from the ACTUAL fucked up shit the government is doing in real life. And they're doing it in Broad daylight. Hyper surveillance, security cameras everywhere, trying to take away our digital rights, the infiltration of church into State Legislature, the clear favoritism and lack of care for its citizens that are hit by disasters- Flint Michigan still can't drink their water, and Puerto Rico is still in shambles because it never really got full government Aid like the mainland States did. Taking away reproductive rights, taking away Medicare in government programs for the old and the sick. Listen management, corruption, etc etc. These are real life problems that have a real life impact. And conspiracy theories that are not based in reality not only takes away from this, but it makes people who calls out real life problems seem like another conspiracy theorists to the general public.

  9. Excuse me, but giving 5-9 year-olds a toxin to possibly prevent a cavity is NOT ok and is criminal. FSA in our water is just one of many ways the deep state is poisoning us through water, air (chemtrails), and food (GMOs, glyphosates, pesticides, HEK 293 fetal cells), EMF-5G, etc. Thank God their time is just about up. In the meantime, Pure Effects is a great water filter.

  10. You missed Canada in your list…we are a country too you know! I don't think there is anything wrong with Fluoride, when used properly. Conspiracy theories on the other hand should remain in the movies, but I suppose they do make good entertainment. You'd think this was facebook…

  11. You might want to try a spring box for supply Kaye. By the looks of your property that should be possible with some investigation. That is what I am going to do and then you would avoid those types of additives. On a side note I found it interesting you were in L.A.: I have worked in El Monte, Cucamonga, and Yucaipa but kept my family and home in the high Desert. Keep up the good work. 👍

  12. Interestingly are the studies headed and pushed by Joseph Stalin and the communists in Russia that showed fluoridation caused the population to become docile and accepting of social engineering….. like communism….

  13. I read 2/3 of the US and only 6% of the world. Fox News, The Telegraph, Truth Social and Edward Louis Bernays all the same thing.

  14. Lived in Niagara County NY for 47 years. Center of early chemical industry and others because of first power generation of scale. Check NIH incidence of endocrine disease & cancer rates for that area. Yes some fluorides are elements of poison gass. I had a stage 4 head & neck cancer several years ago. Researched & picked the best doctors not hospital name plate. They saved me from certain death. Prescribed me prescription fluoride toothpaste because of bone death risks & such after having 35 radiation treatments. I rarely use it or any other commercial fluoride paste. Interestingly, I was getting two rows of teeth as a child and had almost all my first set removed by oral surgery because roots never dissolved. Water from Niagara river just above Niagara Falls. All the run off from early industrial America comes through there. Also, I have some simple ideas for you on getting that cistern water cleaned up for garden use. Slow it down through the earth (microbes) and let it trickle all the time. Don't let in stagnate (leave in run a bit) & maybe a bit or aeration in the cistern. You'd be hard pressed to keep bird, bat & rat stuff out of that cistern. Let the ground "sand filter" it as it runs down the hill.

  15. A land mark case in Ireland held that we didn't have to drink the water in the taps, we could always buy. She lost the case against the government.

  16. Look at fluridone and the old FMC Furidan. Hard to find the erased from history info on those old "herbicides". As I remember Florodan killed everything but corn. 2,4,5D is closely related and that is the old Weed b Gone formula. Also, is the agent orange at 50/50 ratio. Not sure of trade name spelling is why I did it 3 ways. Had the stuff at home. Dad had a friend that was engineer at FMC. See Middleport NY FMC contamination. I was told not to touch it and I never did! Kills everything but corn & I was not corn! 🤣

  17. So, there are several comments I've made below & a couple links if they help fill out the puzzle.

  18. Ours taste like bleach or chlorine started using a filter that helps but still is alot different 20 miles away.Good to question many things and research after seeing that Georgia guide stones was in the United States of America and was knocked down couple months ago maybe a little longer.Those 10 commandments on them wasn't the same as God's 10 commandments in Exodus 20.Seen things in the sky I've never seen before last couple of years.Seen A round amber glowing craft in daytime in Northwest sky Oct 2,2021.Thanks for your report and research.💪😇🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  19. Unbelievable, this is exactly what they want you to believe. The powers that be made sure we got dosed daily.

  20. You might find a link to Furan / Fluoride / Dioxin. All PCB's… Look at my other comments and read between lines.

  21. I live in south carolina and we have issues with our tap water as well. As i started my long research for clean drinking water i was amazed at how many ways we are being poisoned by our water. berkley and several other water filtration systems are not what they appear. If you look at the pur and berkley and others contain alumina oxalate / or some other form of aluminum. aluminum can penetrate the brain barrier and collects there. our bodies can not get rid of the aluminum which leads to dementia and alzheimers. To get rid of benzene from the water it must be boiled then the benzene is removed by the gases vapors as the water boils.

  22. Fluoride, Flourine, Furans and Flourofans the interactions & possibilities are mind boggling. You've started down the rabbit hole of group 7A halogens. Good luck!

  23. So with all that said below. You have way bigger worries than a bit of fluoride here and there. What is there for it to react with is a more dangerous problem.

  24. Basically don't just say it's bad because you heard it's not good. Do you know about reactivity of group 7A halogens? What they react with? Where the real demons lie? Flouride is maybe not good but why? Because it reacts with stuff that is way worse (run off) in the ground water? Maybe…

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